Steven Gauge
By the Author
Mud, Sweat and Beers
Far away from the bright lights of international rugby, there is another version of the game played by ordinary blokes of all shapes, sizes and…
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The Little Book of Politics
Worried about the world and want to make a difference? Inspired by a new political voice or enraged by an old one? Finding out how…
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You Know You’re a Rugby Fanatic When…
You know you're a rugby fanatic when... ... your Facebook profile photo is a close-up of your latest injury. ... you own more replica shirts…
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For the Love of Rugby
Did You Know... Who won 152–0 in 2002, the largest margin of victory in an international fixture? The stories behind rugby’s best nicknames, like ‘Suitcase’,…
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Political Wit
'History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.' Winston Churchill 'Britain has invented a new missile. It’s called the civil…
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The Joy of Rugby
This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes and captivating stories and quotes from the world of rugby, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable…
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My Life as a Hooker
In my late thirties, it gradually dawned on me that I had become Jason’s regular hooker. It was an arrangement that worked well for a…