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Search Results for: travel writing

Showing 49-72 of 100 results for travel writing

Political Wit

Political Wit


Steven Gauge

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‘History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.’
Winston Churchill
‘Britain has invented a new missile. It’s called the civil servant. It doesn’t work and it can’t be fired.’
General Sir Walter Walker
Order, order! After a long day at the dispatch box, when your honourable friend’s white paper has made you feel green and your poll ratings have slumped to a new low, hunker down in Speakers’ Corner with this grand coalition of political quips and quotes – you’ll be ready to take on the opposition at any time!
Into the Amazon

Into the Amazon


John Harrison

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The Tumucumaque Hills on Brazil’s northern frontier are one of the few remaining unexplored regions on earth. Back in 1950, a young French explorer set off into the deepest jungle of that region and was never seen again.

Inspired by that explorer’s diary, John and Heather Harrison paddled their canoe into some of the remotest tributaries of the Amazon, with no TV cameras, sponsors or the slightest chance of being rescued if things went wrong. Lost, and threatened by malaria, snakes, jaguars, piranhas, aggressive wild pigs and flesh-burrowing insects, they slashed a precipitous path over the mountains. 

This is travel at its rawest: the incredible story of the Harrison’s struggle to keep their deteriorating sanity and relationship intact in one of the most hostile and unforgiving places in the world.
An Octopus in My Ouzo

An Octopus in My Ouzo


Jennifer Barclay

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Escape to the sunlight and colour of a wild island in the south Aegean.

When Jennifer moves alone into the Honey Factory on a tiny Greek island, bringing a laptop, her hiking boots and plans for a peaceful life, she has no idea what surprises are in store.

Diving into an exciting new life with a fisherman, she learns something every day. Joining the dancing at local festivals and helping at a café on the beach, surviving winter storms and finding a canine companion, she is faced with both challenges and rewards, and discovers that to become an island woman she must live small and think big.
Falling in Honey

Falling in Honey


Jennifer Barclay

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I came here looking for some kind of happiness. I think it might be the cleverest thing I have ever done.

One heartbroken winter, Jennifer decides to act on her dream of moving to a tiny Greek island – because life is too short not to reach out for what makes us happy.

Funny, romantic and full of surprising twists, Falling in Honey is a story about relationships, tzatziki, adventures, swimming, Greek dancing, starfish… and a bumpy but beautiful journey into Mediterranean sunshine.
From Source to Sea

From Source to Sea


Tom Chesshyre

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Over the years, authors, artists and amblers aplenty have felt the pull of the Thames, and now travel writer Tom Chesshyre is following in their footsteps.

He’s walking the length of the river from the Cotswolds to the North Sea – a winding journey of over two hundred miles. Join him for an illuminating stroll past meadows, churches and palaces, country estates and council estates, factories and dockyards. Setting forth in the summer of Brexit, and meeting a host of interesting characters along the way, Chesshyre explores the living present and remarkable past of England’s longest and most iconic river.
The Ribbons are for Fearlessness

The Ribbons are for Fearlessness


Catrina Davies

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‘Fearlessness has got nothing to do with being unafraid. It’s about doing things anyway, getting on with it, living, whether you’re afraid or not… Courage is about being who you are with your whole heart.’

Fuzzy-haired, neurotic, cello-playing Catrina is devastated when lover, Jack, leaves her to go surfing on the other side of the world. Trapped in a dead-end job and torn by his departure, Catrina dreams of running away. But how do you run away when you’re flat broke? Luckily, her friend Andrew comes up with a plan: they’ll get an old van, turn it into a camper and busk their way from Norway to Portugal, via the midnight sun. When Andrew is killed in a tragic accident Catrina decides to go it alone, with disastrous consequences. Until her experiences on the road gradually teach her the real meaning of love, courage and above all else, the importance of following her dreams.
My Daily Gratitude Journal

My Daily Gratitude Journal


Summersdale Publishers

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A fun fill-in activity journal for kids age 7+ to help boost self-esteem and mental well-being

Write down all the things that you are thankful for

This daily gratitude journal is your special place to record the things that bring you joy. It includes a diary where you can write about three things that you are thankful for each day, along with some fun ideas to get you thinking about ways to reflect on all the good things in your life.

The simple habit of keeping a gratitude journal has many mental health benefits. Studies have shown that regularly thinking about the good things in your life can make you happier and healthier, help you sleep better, and boost feelings of self-worth and empathy for others.

Spend a little time each day reflecting on the things you’re most grateful for – big and small – such as your health, your family and friends, your special talents, a funny joke or a sunny day.
For the Love of Books

For the Love of Books


Graham Tarrant

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Do you know…
Which famous author died of caffeine poisoning? Why Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was banned in China? Who was the first British writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature? Banned books, feuding authors, literary felons, rejected masterpieces – it’s all in these pages, along with tips for aspiring writers and lists of the most iconic works. A treasure trove of compelling facts, riveting anecdotes and extraordinary characters, this is every book-lover’s dream: a book about books and the people who write them. Read on!
Narrowboat Dreams

Narrowboat Dreams


Steve Haywood

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At home, I’m a cantankerous old git. On the boat, after a week’s cruising, I’m just a cantankerous old git with dirty hair.

Steve Haywood has a problem. He doesn’t know where he comes from. In the south, people think he’s a northerner; in the north, they think he’s from the south. Judged against global warming and the sad demise of Celebrity Big Brother, this hardly registers highly on the Richter scale of world disasters. But it’s enough to worry Steve. And it’s enough of an excuse for him to escape the routine of his life in London for a voyage of discovery along England’s inland waterways.
Travelling by traditional narrowboat, he heads north from Banbury in deepest Oxfordshire, through the former industrial wastelands of the now vibrantly modern Manchester, to the trendy affluence of Hebden Bridge at the centre of West Yorkshire’s ciabatta belt. With irrepressible humour he describes the history of the canals, his encounters with characters along the way, and the magic that makes England’s waterways so appealing.
The Hairy Hikers

The Hairy Hikers


David Le Vay

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With a glint in his eye, Rob turns and asks me if I want to ‘touch his furry puma’. I begin to feel a little concerned about the days and weeks ahead; we are only hours into the trip and things have already taken a sinister turn. Thankfully it turns out he is referring to the little embossed logo on his new shirt. Fuelled by a degree of mid-life crisis and the need to escape, albeit temporarily, the dull routine of modern life, David and Rob set out to walk from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, taking in French villages, beautiful scenery and one of the most spectacular mountain ranges in Europe. Just about perfect – if you can put aside the inevitable conflict, drama and unexpected tedium that results from two men spending over seven solid weeks in each other’s company! This humorous, reflective and often poignant account of two increasingly hairy hikers’ coast-to-coast trek along the length of the French Pyrenees, revealing the history and geography along the way, will appeal to weekend walkers, serious trekkers and all who simply enjoy a good story of human endeavour and foolishness.
Walking the County High Points of England

Walking the County High Points of England


David Bathurst

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From Dark Peak on the Pennine Way in Derbyshire to the misty Malverns in Worcestershire and Milk Hill on the Mid-Wilts Way, walking the county high points provides the perfect opportunity for ramblers to experience the English countryside. An indefatigable walker, David Bathurst has unlaced his boots to produce this unique companion to the country’s most rewarding hilltop trails. His appreciation of the beauty and history of the British countryside and his light-hearted style will appeal to experienced and novice walkers alike.
A Tour of Mont Blanc

A Tour of Mont Blanc


David Le Vay

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Mont Blanc, or ‘Il Bianco’ as it is sometimes known as in Italy; The White One. It sits, regally, upon pleated glacial folds gathered together around a timeless, grey-rock body, high above the French town of Chamonix, lord of all that it surveys. It beguiles, bewitches and charms the lesser folk who seek to frolic and play amongst the buttressed foothills of its ancient frame, but exudes also a sense of foreboding; a warning to the one hundred or so climbers that die each year attempting to reach the gleaming, domed summit of this great snow-encrusted mountain.

Framed by the cobalt blue sky and golden alpine sun, Western Europe’s highest mountain has held a certain allure over explorers and hikers for centuries, playing host to the likes of Hannibal, Napoleon and the early pioneers of alpine exploration.

In a muddy field somewhere in Cornwall on New Year’s Day, two men make a pact to tackle it. Call it a mid-life crisis, with not only his daughter about to leave for university but also the rapidly approaching prospect of his fiftieth birthday to consider: walking 170 kilometres across a mountain range seems the perfect antidote. Humorous, reflective and poignant, this is the story of a journey around one of the world’s most iconic mountains, through an area that is full to bursting with stories to remember.
Fragrant Heart

Fragrant Heart


Miranda Emmerson

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We buy food we can point to. We stalk the streets until rush hour and wait for the little hatches to open in the sides of restaurants. From the steamy openings, cooks in overalls sell jiaozi (dumplings) and bowls of thick, sticky, white congee – an unholy cross between soup and porridge. Baozi, steamed white buns, are light as air. I buy them filled with water spinach and nettle – delicious dipped in sharp, black Chinese vinegar.

In 2008, Miranda and her partner set off for one last big adventure before settling down. They chose to travel through South-East Asia. All did not go to plan: Asian flu, falling off boats and the general chaos of a life abroad challenged them at every step, and yet, in the midst of it all, they fell in love with the culture and culinary delights of China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia.
Amore and Amaretti

Amore and Amaretti


Victoria Cosford

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L’appetito vien mangiando! – Appetite comes while you are eating.

Vicky arrives in Tuscany to study the language and culture of Italy, but soon falls in love with charismatic chef Gianfranco and starts to learn the art of Italian cooking in his trattoria. On Sunday nights, after benches are stacked on tables, they explore the countryside by car, passing glassy lakes and ancient hill towns.

This colourful and intoxicating gastro-memoir takes you behind the scenes of romantic restaurants and bars in Tuscany, Umbria, Elba and Perugia. Interspersed with recipes, humour and heartbreak, it will leave you entranced and with a hankering for tagliatelle and truffles.
The Big Walks of the North

The Big Walks of the North


David Bathurst

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From the Great Glen Way to the Coast to Coast Path, there is no better way to discover the spectacular diversity of northern Britain’s landscape than on foot. Whether you enjoy exploring green and gently rolling dales or tackling rugged mountain paths, there are walks here to keep you rambling all year round.

An indefatigable walker, David Bathurst has unlaced his boots to produce this invaluable and definitive companion to the ten best-loved long-distance footpaths in the north of Britain, with each split into manageable sections. Combining practical, detailed descriptions with an appreciation of the beauty and history of the British countryside, this in an indispensable guide for both experienced and novice walkers alike.
Riding Out

Riding Out


Simon Parker

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“A truly inspiring journey that celebrates the healing power of adventure. A must-read.” – Levison Wood

“Wonderfully relatable on so many levels. Simon’s wanderlust, mental roller coaster and reactions to a fast-changing world had me enthralled in his journey, but very much reflecting on my own over the past few years. A brilliantly crafted book which holds a mirror up to the world we live in.” – Mark Beaumont

“Simon’s cycle ride around his own country is a fine demonstration that adventure and transformation begins on your own doorstep.” – Alastair Humphreys

The remarkable and inspirational true story of how one man battled grief and anxiety, one pedal stroke at a time, on a 3,500-mile adventure around Britain

In March 2020, as Britain entered its first lockdown, Simon Parker’s life fell apart; his travel journalism career vanished overnight and shortly afterwards he received the tragic news that a close friend had died. With a long-suppressed anxiety disorder starting to rear its head, he turned to the only therapies he knew and trusted: travel and exercise.

Setting off on his bike from the northernmost point of Shetland with only a sleeping bag and a camping stove, Simon would end up cycling 3,427 miles around Britain. En route, he would meet hundreds of resilient Britons, who were all, in their own way, riding out the storm just like he was. Even in his gloomiest moments he began to see that a chink of light was never too far away.

Riding Out is a story of optimism and hope, and a ground-level portrait of Britain as it transforms from a country in crisis to a nation on the mend. From Shetland to the Scillies, Dover to Durness, Simon learns that life’s sharpest corners are best navigated at the gentle pace of a bicycle.
A Short Ride in the Jungle

A Short Ride in the Jungle


Antonia Bolingbroke-Kent

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‘For the first time in my life I felt that death was a possibility; a stupid, pointless, lonely death on the aptly named Mondulkiri Death Highway.’

The Ho Chi Minh Trail is one of the greatest feats of military engineering in history. But since the end of the Vietnam War much of this vast transport network has been reclaimed by jungle, while remaining sections are littered with a deadly legacy of unexploded bombs. For Antonia, a veteran of ridiculous adventures in unfeasible vehicles, the chance to explore the Trail before it’s lost forever was a personal challenge she couldn’t ignore – yet it would sometimes be a terrifying journey.

Setting out from Hanoi on an ageing Honda Cub, she spent the next two months riding 2000 miles through the mountains and jungles of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Battling inhospitable terrain and multiple breakdowns, her experiences ranged from the touching to the hilarious, meeting former American fighter pilots, tribal chiefs, illegal loggers and bomb disposal experts.

The story of her brave journey is thrilling and poignant: a unique insight into a little known face of Southeast Asia.



Yossi Ghinsberg

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I heard the rustle again, too close and too real to ignore. I clutched the flashlight, stuck my head out of the mosquito net… and found myself face-to-face with a jaguar.

Four travelers meet in Bolivia and set off into the heart of the Amazon rainforest to find a hidden tribe and explore places tourists only dream of seeing. But what begins as the adventure of a lifetime quickly deteriorates into a dangerous nightmare.

After weeks of wandering in the dense undergrowth the group splits up after disagreements, and Yossi and his friend try to find their own way back without a guide. When a terrible rafting accident separates him from his partner, Yossi is forced to survive for weeks alone against one of the wildest backdrops on the planet. Stranded without a knife, map, or survival training, he must improvise shelter and forage for wild fruit to survive. As his feet begin to rot during raging storms, as he loses all sense of direction, and as he begins to lose all hope, he wonders whether he will make it out of the jungle alive.

The basis of an upcoming motion picture starring Daniel Radcliffe, Jungle is the incredible story of friendship and the teachings of nature, survival and human fortitude and a terrifying true account that you won’t be able to put down.
Picnic in Provence

Picnic in Provence


Elizabeth Bard

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When Elizabeth Bard followed a handsome Frenchman up the spiral staircase to a love nest in the heart of Paris, they thought they had found their perfect home.
But life had other ideas. Falling in love with a quirky house full of history on a last romantic jaunt before the birth of their first child, Elizabeth and Gwendal decide to move – lock, stock and Le Creuset – to the French countryside; a land of blue skies, lavender fields and peaches that taste like sunshine.
Part memoir, part chocolate-smudged family cookbook, Picnic in Provence is about everything that happens after the happily ever after, and reminds us that life, in and out of the kitchen, is a rendezvous with the unexpected.
Kapp to Cape: Never Look Back

Kapp to Cape: Never Look Back


Charlie Carroll, Reza Pakravan

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Steve and I clutched hands – his right in my left – and then we simultaneously pushed down with our feet. Cogs clicked, wheels turned, and we were on our way. We left Nordkapp within minutes. Cape Town was only 18,000 kilometres away.
Deciding to break away from his comfortable lifestyle in London, Reza and his friend Steven set off from the most northerly point on mainland Europe to cycle the 11,000 miles to the other end of the planet, completely unsupported.
Their expedition becomes a race against the clock, as they attempt to complete the trip in a world record of just 100 days. Battling punishing terrain and primitive roads, harsh and debilitating climates, malaria, food poisoning and heat stroke, their thrilling journey brings them face to face with some of the world’s most stunning, memorable and volatile regions.
This is the intensely personal story of one man’s mission to create a more positive, purposeful life, and the compelling account of the epic journey he took to get there.
Dawdling by the Danube

Dawdling by the Danube


Edward Enfield

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I had thought for some time that there must be something funny about Germany because, except for hard-drinking types at the Munich beer festival, I had never heard of anybody going there for a holiday. This was, in my view, the first of two advantages. There are travellers who, when abroad, are delighted to see a fellow countryman. Not I. There are quite enough Englishmen at home without my wanting to run into them abroad.
So Edward Enfield sets off on this enjoyable cycling trip, carrying few preconceptions but plenty of wit. Determining the route he should take from recommendations scrawled on a napkin, he starts by following the undulating ‘Romantic Road’ through the woods and cornfields of Bavaria – closely pursued by fellow countrymen in the form of a television camera crew.
After a solo jaunt around the rural backroads and Mazurian Lakes of Poland, stopping to enjoy the delights of Krakow, it’s on to Austria, where he rides along the pleasant banks of the Danube from Passau to Vienna, taking in castles and baroque churches and sampling splendid wine en route. And, as Edward amply reveals in this charming book, there is no place from which to see a country that is nearly as good as the saddle of a bicycle.
52 Favourite West Sussex Walks

52 Favourite West Sussex Walks


Richard Williamson

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Richard Williamson’s weekly walking column has long been one of the most popular features in the Chichester Observer, Worthing Observer and West Sussex Gazette. Now, following the format that has proved such a hit over the years, for the first time he has compiled his favourite walks – one for every week of the year – with hand-drawn route maps. His knowledge and love of the timeless South Downs landscape and its varied flora, fauna and stories – from bat-birds and the Devil’s Jumps to beloved pubs and famous poets – combine with practical notes on routes that can be covered easily in an afternoon. Richard Williamson was for 30 years the manager of Kingley Vale National Nature Reserve and has an unparalleled knowledge of South Downs wildlife and lore.
A Dip in the Ocean

A Dip in the Ocean


Sarah Outen

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4,000 miles of unpredictable ocean.

500 Mars bars.

124 days of physical exertion.

3 Guinness World Records set.

1 incredible journey.

On 1 April 2009, twenty-three-year-old Sarah Outen embarked on an ambitious solo voyage across the Indian Ocean in her rowing boat, Dippers. Powered by the grief of the sudden loss of her father and the determination to live life to the full, Sarah and her tiny boat successfully negotiated wild ocean storms, unexpected encounters with whales and the continuous threat of being capsized by passing container ships. Along the way she broke two oars and lost 20 kg of bodyweight before arriving in Mauritius. 
She became the first woman and the youngest person to row solo across the Indian Ocean. Life-affirming, funny and poignant, Sarah’s salty tale of courage and endurance will inspire the taste of adventure in everyone.
Lost in the Lakes

Lost in the Lakes


Tom Chesshyre

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Join travel writer Tom Chesshyre for a Lakeland adventure like no other. Explore towering mountains, wide-open valleys and magnificent lakes – stopping off at a cosy inn or two along the way – on a 379-mile hike around the Lake District

From Penrith and back, via Keswick, Cockermouth, Coniston, Grasmere and Windermere, plus many places in between, Tom Chesshyre puts on his walking boots and sets forth in a “big wobbly circle” around the Lakes, drawn onwards by the dramatic scenery that attracts more than 19 million visitors each year.

Across landscape that so inspired the Romantic poets, he takes in remote parts of the parkland that many tourists miss – enjoying encounters aplenty with farmers, fell runners and fellow hikers, while staying in shepherds’ huts, bothies and old climbers’ hotels along the way, and even going for a (chilly) dip in Derwentwater.

This is the Lake District seen from its walking paths – with just a backpack, an open mind… and a spring in the step.
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