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Search Results for: Lifestyle

Showing 481-504 of 1275 results for Lifestyle

52 Things to Learn on the Loo

52 Things to Learn on the Loo


Hugh Jassburn

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Expand your mind as you lighten your load!

Make use of those dull moments on the lavatory by teaching yourself how a starfish eats a clam, how to say “Hello” in every European language and what the dot over an “i” is called. Covering all types of trivia, from science and natural history to the different types of moustache, this little book contains enough fascinating facts to keep you learning throughout the year.

You will pick up impressive knowledge and remarkable wisdom such as:

– The capital cities of every country
– The major bones in the human body
– The longest word you can spell using only the top row of letters on a keyboard
– The inventor of sticky tape
– The world’s oceans and seas
– How bees make honey
And much, much more. A superb addition to anyone’s bathroom library, this book could help you win at your next quiz or at least give you a bunch of fun facts to spout when you’re out and about.

“Taking a dump just got a lot more interesting”
Crapping Quarterly
Greece on my Wheels

Greece on my Wheels


Edward Enfield

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Fired by a long enthusiasm for all things Greek, Edward Enfield mounts his trusty Raleigh to follow in the footsteps of such notable travellers to Greece as Benjamin Disraeli, Edward Lear and the Romantic poet Lord Byron.

Fortified by delicious fish dinners and quantities of draught retsina, he tackles the formidable roads of the Peloponnese before plunging, on a later trip, into the rugged heartlands of Epirus and Acarnania. His travels are set against the great panorama of Greek history – Greeks and Romans, Turks and Albanians, Venetians, Englishmen and Germans all people his pages.

An enchanting travelogue that combines wit, charm and scholarship, Greece On My Wheels is a superb example of travel writing at its unforgettable best.
Fixie For Life

Fixie For Life


Chris Naylor

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Digital (deliver electronic)
The only gear you need is ‘go’.

Fixies and single-speeds take cycling back to square one. They’re the ride of choice for hipsters, tricksters and hardmen alike – bare-bones bikes that can be dressed up or stripped down; simple machines that have inspired a diverse, inventive culture and innovative designs in a host of industries. This book celebrates the art and craft of one-gear bikes with stunning photos of rides from around the world. Includes inspirational quotes.
The Joy of Running

The Joy of Running


Paul Owen

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This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, handy hints and captivating stories and quotes from the world of running, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy and freedom of lacing up your trainers and hitting the road.
Fred Basset Yearbook 2019

Fred Basset Yearbook 2019


Alex Graham

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‘Fred’s wry observations delight fans young and old.’ 

Dogs Today

The inimitable Fred is back! Join Britain’s best-loved basset hound and his friends once again for more canine capers and good-natured escapades with this whole new collection of witty cartoons from the Daily Mail.
The Joy of Dance

The Joy of Dance


Carole Edrich

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‘Dance is the hidden language of the soul.’
Martha Graham
This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, captivating stories and inspiring quotes from the world of dance, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy and freedom of slipping on your dance shoes and expressing yourself through movement to music.
Lost in the Jungle

Lost in the Jungle


Yossi Ghinsberg

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 heard the rustle again, too close and too real to ignore.  I clutched the flashlight, stuck my head out of the mosquito net… and found myself face-to-face with a jaguar.
Four travelers meet in Bolivia and set off into the heart of the Amazon rainforest to find a hidden tribe and explore places tourists only dream of seeing.  But what begins as the adventure of a lifetime quickly deteriorates into a dangerous nightmare. 
After weeks of wandering in the dense undergrowth the group splits up after disagreements, and Yossi and his friend try to find their own way back without a guide. When a terrible rafting accident separates him from his partner, Yossi is forced to survive for weeks alone against one of the wildest backdrops on the planet. Stranded without a knife, map, or survival training, he must improvise shelter and forage for wild fruit to survive. As his feet begin to rot during raging storms, as he loses all sense of direction, and as he begins to lose all hope, he wonders whether he will make it out of the jungle alive. 
The basis of an upcoming motion picture starring Daniel Radcliffe,”Lost in the Jungle”is the incredible story of friendship and the teachings of nature, survival and human fortitude and a terrifying true account that you won’t be able to put down.
Into the Amazon

Into the Amazon


John Harrison

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The Tumucumaque Hills on Brazil’s northern frontier are one of the few remaining unexplored regions on earth. Back in 1950, a young French explorer set off into the deepest jungle of that region and was never seen again.

Inspired by that explorer’s diary, John and Heather Harrison paddled their canoe into some of the remotest tributaries of the Amazon, with no TV cameras, sponsors or the slightest chance of being rescued if things went wrong. Lost, and threatened by malaria, snakes, jaguars, piranhas, aggressive wild pigs and flesh-burrowing insects, they slashed a precipitous path over the mountains. 

This is travel at its rawest: the incredible story of the Harrison’s struggle to keep their deteriorating sanity and relationship intact in one of the most hostile and unforgiving places in the world.
Fred Basset Yearbook 2018

Fred Basset Yearbook 2018


Alex Graham

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‘Fred’s wry observations delight fans young and old…’ DOGS TODAY
The nation’s favourite canine is back! Join Fred and his friends for more antics and escapades in this new collection of his wittiest strips from the Daily Mail.
Fred Basset Yearbook 2015

Fred Basset Yearbook 2015


Summersdale Publishers

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Britain’s best-loved basset hound is back once again for more canine capers in this collection of the best from the Daily Mail’s
F in Exams

F in Exams


Richard Benson

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Exams have never been so hilarious! Banish the horror of school days with this bumper edition of the world’s best pupils. Bursting with misunderstandings, misspellings and spirited, if ultimately incorrect, answers, this collection brings together the most head-scratching, side-splitting examples from the F in Exams series.
Amore and Amaretti

Amore and Amaretti


Victoria Cosford

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L’appetito vien mangiando! – Appetite comes while you are eating.

Vicky arrives in Tuscany to study the language and culture of Italy, but soon falls in love with charismatic chef Gianfranco and starts to learn the art of Italian cooking in his trattoria. On Sunday nights, after benches are stacked on tables, they explore the countryside by car, passing glassy lakes and ancient hill towns.

This colourful and intoxicating gastro-memoir takes you behind the scenes of romantic restaurants and bars in Tuscany, Umbria, Elba and Perugia. Interspersed with recipes, humour and heartbreak, it will leave you entranced and with a hankering for tagliatelle and truffles.
Super Dogs

Super Dogs


Malcolm Croft

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The dogs in this book won’t be donning red cloaks and tight, blue costumes. But they do have extraordinary abilities and out-of-this-world stories that make them super in their own right.

From fictional dogs to war-time dogs, faithful dogs to working dogs, life-saving dogs to dogs in space and science, the stories in this book tell the adventures of courageous, trustworthy and dutiful dogs, reminding us of the true worth of having a canine as a companion.
Love is a Sausage Dog

Love is a Sausage Dog


Charlie Ellis

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Anything a dog can do, a dachshund can do better…

With a waddle in their step and eyes that will melt your heart, these mischievous little pups have got us head over heels in love. Whether you’ve got one, want one or just think they’re super cute, this little book dedicated to the sausage-shaped dog will prove that it’s not just any old dog who’s a man’s best friend – it’s a dachshund.
Nature Therapy

Nature Therapy


Rémy Dambron

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Discover the healing power of nature with this beautiful book, which will help you reconnect with the natural world to nurture your well-being

Nature therapy is the practice of reconnecting with the natural world. Whether you find your sense of connection in the adventure of windswept cliffs, the solace of a forest, the comfort of your own garden or in the joy of tending a plant in your home, nature has the power to refresh your well-being and help you find your sense of self again.

Dive into this beautiful book to explore the benefits of the outdoors for yourself. Inside these pages you will find:
· Tips to help you discover your personal connection with nature
· Activity inspiration, from gardening and crafts to walking and wild swimming
· Advice on how to incorporate the outdoors into your daily life
· A holistic approach to wellness that’s rooted in our innate relationship with the natural world

Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve your physical health or simply spark more joy and meaning in life, this book is the ultimate guide to unlocking the transformative power of nature.
Rituals for Every Day

Rituals for Every Day


Summersdale Publishers

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Including wise words, simple ideas and easy-to-follow advice, this soothing book will help you master the art of daily rituals

A daily ritual is more than a routine: it’s an act of self-care that’s carried out mindfully, and with reverence. You could use a ritual to set an intention for your morning, to help you process difficult emotions, or to manifest your goals – but whichever kind you choose, a ritual will always bring focus to the present moment and imbue your life with a sense of calm and purpose.

Within these pages you will find a raft of simple but effective rituals to try as well as tips to help you on your journey, including:
– Fitting rituals into a busy schedule
– How daily practice can improve your physical and mental well-being
– Inspiration for creating your own rituals
Whether you use them to empower, energize, calm or inspire, daily rituals will help you to live fully and intentionally, and this beautiful book will guide you on your way.
The Joy of Camping

The Joy of Camping


Phoebe Smith

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‘For as long as I stay here, I know I will have to also get to the wild places.’
                                                                                                                  Robert Macfarlane
This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with tips on equipment, food, surviving bad weather and finding the right campsite, and with facts and stories from the world of camping, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy and adventure of pitching their tent under an open sky.



Rosie Ryder

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Meet the cats who live in the moment
So, you thought it was only humans who were hooked on Snapchat? We have the screengrabbed evidence to the contrary. Join the cats who snap, and discover the candid stories of their daily lives. These cool kitties have a lot to say, and whether it’s with a cheeky filter or a sassy caption, they say it with style. You’ll see your fur-miliar friends through a whole new lens.

Love is a Kitten

Love is a Kitten


Charlie Ellis

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Life is better with a kitten

Those big round eyes. Those tiny mews. Those wobbly steps on little paws. Who can resist the adorable charms of a kitten? What they lack in size, they make up for in personality, and these heart-melting bundles of fur have got us head over heels in love. Dedicated to our tiniest feline friends, this paw-some little book proves that a kitten is a purr-fect companion.
Dog Mindfulness

Dog Mindfulness


Sam Hart, Danny Cameron

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Repeat this mantra to yourself whenever you’re feeling anxious: “I flow from a place of grace.”

Peace. Gratitude. Concentration. Stillness. Serenity. Composure. Focus.

Whether they’re honing their powers of concentration (have you ever seen anyone focus on something so intently as a mutt with a bone?), being in the moment (a snooze is so much more satisfying when you really appreciate the snooze), or taking time to explore their senses (all those bottoms aren’t going to sniff themselves), dogs are paragons of mindfulness. So maybe they’re not always quite as composed or graceful as they’d like, but at least they’re trying – and we could all learn a lot from these enlightened pups.
Cat Yoga

Cat Yoga


Sam Hart, Danny Cameron

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Err, I think you mean Downward Cat

How can you tell whether your cat is purrfecting its Sphinx pose or just being, well, a cat?

You may think your cat is just a naturally bendy weirdo, but the truth is, they’re probably one of the growing number of Zen Yogi Cats – and this book is here to expose what happens when yoga and cats collide. Whether they’re paws-ing to enjoy their morning Sun Salutations, working on their flexibility, searching for the divine (laser) light or exhaling hairballs, these cats are getting their om-meow on in the world of Cat Yoga.
The Banana Cookbook

The Banana Cookbook


Sam Brooks

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There’s more to the banana than meets the eye

We all know and love bananas as a quick and tasty snack that can help fuel us through the day. But you might not realise that these beauties are an endlessly versatile ingredient. From breakfast delights through to show-stopping desserts, this book contains dozens of simple and delicious recipes, including:
– Fluffy banana and walnut pancakes
– Matcha and banana cupcakes with caramelised peanuts
– Avocado and banana smoothie
– Classic banana bread
– Miracle banana ice cream

Whether you’re vegan or gluten-free, in need of a quick bite or hankering for some good old comfort food, there’s plenty in these pages that will leave you nourished, satisfied and truly thankful for this humble yellow fruit.
The Best Dog Memes Ever

The Best Dog Memes Ever


Charlie Ellis

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For life’s every up and down, there’s a meme to capture the feeling – and with their lovable personalities, boundless energy and their distinct capacity for being that little bit odd, who better to ride through these moments with us than man’s best friend?

From the satisfaction of walking in time to your music to the horror of accidentally clicking ‘like’ when you’re seven months deep into your crush’s Instagram feed, this collection contains the funniest, most relatable memes about life, told through the expressive genius of dogs.
The Little Instruction Book for Cats

The Little Instruction Book for Cats


Kate Freeman, Danny Cameron

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Golden rule to remember when looking for some alone time: If your whiskers touch the sides, it’s a good place to hide.

Mirrors are not other cats.

For the sophisticated cat about town, this indispensable paw-book provides witty advice and pearls of kitty wisdom that will make sure your life is always full of naps, cardboard boxes and mice to chase – from perfecting your curtain-scratching technique to getting your head stroked without looking as though you wanted it.
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