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Search Results for: Gift and Humour

Showing 217-240 of 948 results for Gift and Humour

Cricket's Funniest Jokes

Cricket's Funniest Jokes


Jim Chumley

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Patient: Doctor, I think I’m a cricket ball!

Doctor: Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.

Crammed full of hilarious cricketing jokes from players and pundits alike, Cricket’s Funniest Jokes will bowl over any fan of the gentleman’s game – guaranteed to raise a laugh when you’re stumped or when rain stops play.
Now Panic and Freak Out

Now Panic and Freak Out


Summersdale Publishers

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If you can keep your head when all about are losing theirs, it’s just possible you haven’t grasped the situation.’ Jean Kerr
Bad Advice for Good People.
Keep Calm and Carry On is all very well, but life just isn’t that simple. Let’s own up and face facts: we’re getting older, the politicians are not getting any wiser, and the world’s going to hell in a handbasket. It’s time to panic.

Here’s a book packed with quotations proving that Keeping Calm is simply not an option.
The Joy of Ex

The Joy of Ex


Vicky Edwards, Lesley Keene

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Audiobook Downloadable
Don’t get mad; get over it. That’s the advice of Vicky Edwards, a woman who has been chucked more often than a kebab and one too many pints on a Friday night. Practical and funny, this book will help you to dust yourself down and start all over again while you’re going through the emotional turbulence of being dumped, before leading you gently back into the dating game with your confidence restored and a new and positive attitude to life and love. Interspersed with quotations, inspirational thoughts and affirmations this handbag-friendly book also includes special heartbreak therapies such as Virtual Revenge, Credit Card Calming, Safe Spleen Venting and Anger Management for the Pyromaniac. Perfect as a gift for a friend in need or as a personal survival guide, there’s plenty within these covers to help you forget about being under the duvet with your Ex.
You Rock

You Rock


Summersdale Publishers

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Everyone needs a boost once in a while and this bright little book, bursting with inspiring quotes and uplifting statements, is the perfect pick-me-up. It’s the perfect gift to let your favourite person know to keep doing what they’re doing and be who they are, ‘cause they rock!
The Little Book of Vaginas

The Little Book of Vaginas


Anna Lou Walker

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Vajayjay. Lady bits. Notorious V.A.G.

It’s time we talked about vaginas. This pocket-sized book is here to debunk the myths and help you gain a better understanding of everything you were never taught, including:
– The amazing things the vagina does from puberty to menopause
– Advice on the most common complaints and how best to alleviate them
– The vagina in pop culture – from the page to the stage

This succinct and celebratory guide separates fact from fiction and will change the way you think and talk about your wonder down under.



Summersdale Publishers

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Who says unicorns aren’t real?
Life’s never dull when you have a unicorn by your side. These sparkly friends bring magic into our lives, from the tips of their magical horns to the swishy ends of their rainbow tails. Enter the awesomely cute world of unicorns, and whatever anyone says – don’t stop believing!



Anna-Maria Espsäter

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‘The smallest feline is a masterpiece.’
Leonardo da Vinci
This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, heart-warming stories and inspiring quotes about cats, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy of hearing the soothing purr of a feline companion.
The Joy of Rugby

The Joy of Rugby


Steven Gauge

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This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes and captivating stories and quotes from the world of rugby, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy of picking up the ball and running with it.
Poetry First Aid Kit

Poetry First Aid Kit


Abbie Headon

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Whether your dilemma is something as simple as a what to have for dinner or you are trying to make a life-changing decision, the Poetry First Aid Kit has the answer. Seek a solution within these stanzas and let the enlightening limericks and illuminating iambic pentameter help you resolve the dilemmas in your life.
Glad to Be Grey

Glad to Be Grey


Clive Whichelow

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The rumours are true – it’s great to be grey!

So what if the last tweet you had was from your pet budgie; he makes more sense than young people these days anyway. And at least you don’t have to worry about having the latest gadget or keeping a trim waistline anymore. So cast off the cares of youth and join the ranks of those who are glad to be grey.
Top Tips for Weddings

Top Tips for Weddings


Vicky Edwards

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There’s a lot to think about between the moment you say ‘Yes!’ and the moment you say ‘I do’. With advice on everything from picking the ideal venue to creative ideas for your wedding cake, this little book is the perfect companion to planning the wedding of your dreams.
Top Tips for Grooms

Top Tips for Grooms


James Harrison

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The question has been popped, the ring has been presented and the celebrations have begun! What’s next? Just the wedding.

Top Tips for Grooms presents ingenious ideas for the any groom-to-be, covering the ever-so-stressful months preceding the wedding – including surviving your stag party and choosing your outfit – to the big day itself.
The Little Black Book of Chat-up Lines and Flirting

The Little Black Book of Chat-up Lines and Flirting


Jake Harris

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‘You remind me of a parking ticket. You’ve got fine, written all over you.’

Have you ever been surrounded by hotties and stuck for an opening line? From Classic Romantic to Speed Seduction, plus Killer Put-downs and Hot Tips on body language and online dating, this is the only ammunition you’ll need to get started with the opposite sex.
Rugby’s Funniest Jokes

Rugby’s Funniest Jokes


Jim Chumley

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Why is a successful rugby team like a lingerie shop?

It has a wide variety of cups and plenty of support.

Some might say there’s nothing funny about cauliflower ears and scrums, but this little book begs to differ. Packed with rib-tickling jokes, Rugby’s Funniest Jokes is perfect for any fan of the sport with the odd-shaped ball.
Completely Conkers

Completely Conkers


Will Jackson, Jon Stroud

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Who would live in a country where no child is allowed to win a race on sports day and you can lose your job for forwarding an ‘Irish joke’ email? About 60 million Britons, that’s who!
This laugh-out-loud collection of ludicrous laws, political correctness gone mad, moneywasting council schemes and ridiculous red tape reveals how:
Trapeze artists were told by insurers to wear hard hats in accordance with the European Union’s Temporary Work at Heights directive. After falling in the prison shower, a career criminal was compensated £248,000, including a substantial amount ‘for lost earnings’. A phone contractor was not qualified to dig a six-inch-deep trench because he did not have ‘underground capability’. NB: This book doesn’t come with a safety warning. If you cut yourself on the paper, you can sod off.
The Baby Shower Planning Guide

The Baby Shower Planning Guide


Verity Davidson

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Digital (deliver electronic)
Amazing news! Your friend has announced she’s going to have a baby – and you’re in charge of the baby shower preparations. This is a time to celebrate, not to panic, so take a deep breath and dive into this treasure trove of baby shower themes, activities, gifts, games and treats to make for the big day, as well as practical party-planning tips and advice. Everything you could possibly need to throw your friend the shower she deserves is within the pages of this indispensable little book.
How to Survive a Quarter-Life Crisis

How to Survive a Quarter-Life Crisis


Hattie Hamilton, Anna Martin

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My ‘life goals before 25’ when I was 20: mortgage, become an MD or social media sensation, have good hair, have my own sustainable coffee shop, travel to 98 countries.

My life goals on the eve of my 25th birthday: afford my rent without getting overdrawn this month, get at least two likes on my Instagram post on my new shoes, remember to pluck nose hairs before work, stop mislaying my refillable coffee cup, visit my parents once a month.

Is it just me, or does everyone else have their shit together?

Believe me, you’re not alone! If you’re having sleepless nights about your latest social media post, think that you’re a bit of a loser in love, or have a job that you hate (but you need the money and there are no full-time poet positions out there), then this book is your life-jacket and comfort blanket rolled into one sweet package. Learn why you’re not the failure you think you are, and why actually you’re well on your way to being a flawed-but-brilliant grown-up, as this guide helps you navigate your way through the choppy waters of your quarter-life crisis.
Keep F*cking Calm and Colour On

Keep F*cking Calm and Colour On


Summersdale Publishers

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The ultimate adult colouring book, bursting with hilariously rude language.

When the pressure’s on, lessen your stress and let your creativity loose – along with a volley of swear words! The calming patterns and intricate designs in this colouring book are adorned with amusing obscenities to keep your hands busy, your mind occupied and your feet on the f*cking ground. Colour the cr*p out of it!
The Unicorn Craft Book

The Unicorn Craft Book


Isabel Urbina Gallego

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The magical realm of unicorns comes to life in this dazzling craft book, brimming with sparkles and rainbows. Let your imagination run wild in creating dozens of fun and entertaining projects to make for yourself or give as gifts, including an amazing unicorn soft toy, a glittering headband and a rainbow-coloured charm.

Each project comes with a list of all the items and templates that you will need to create your unicorn-fuelled fun, along with step-by-step instructions and clear photographs to help you create something really special. Get ready to spread the magic!
I Believe in You

I Believe in You


Summersdale Publishers

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If you want to lift someone’s spirits and fill them with confidence, look no further than this pocket-sized book of inspiring quotes and affirmations

Simple words of encouragement are powerful things. Sometimes the best gift you can give is letting someone know just how special they truly are. That’s why this little book is packed with empowering quotes and affirming statements, perfect for telling someone you care about that you believe in them.

From the worldly wisdom of early philosophers to the musings of modern superstars, these words will inspire, motivate and uplift. The ideal gift for any occasion, whether you know someone who’s taking their driving test, about to graduate, or perhaps just in need of a little confidence boost.

As well as the wise words of great writers, artists and thinkers, this book includes a host of positive affirmations and daily reminders such as:

– Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable
– Everything that you are is enough
– You have to believe in order to achieve
– Live life on your terms and never apologize for it
– You are the creator of your own destiny
Bring the Wild into Your Garden

Bring the Wild into Your Garden


Annie Burdick

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Show nature the kindness it deserves

Whether you long to see butterflies flit across your flowerbeds or hear birdsong all year round, there’s something endlessly rewarding about playing host to wildlife. With practical projects and helpful tips for gardens big and small, this guide will help boost local biodiversity and benefit countless native species. Learn how to:

– Choose the best type of bird feeder and seed for your feathered friends
– Build natural habitats and provide shelter for all manner of insects
– Make sugaring recipes to attract butterflies and moths
– Select the right pollinator plants for bees in every season
Wherever you do it – on a balcony, in a garden or across acres of land – you too can create the perfect sanctuary for an abundance of creatures.
The Archers

The Archers


Rosie Dillon

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Is there a cure for farmer’s lung – and would Joe Grundy take it if he could? Who are Meriel, Jean Paul, Baggy and Mercedes? Which Ambridge couple fell in love to the tune of a Mr Whippy ice cream van? It’s been sixty years since the familiar dum-di-dum-di-dum-di-dum of ‘Barwick Green’ first brought The Archers to our airwaves, and in that time millions of listeners have followed the everyday lives of country folk in Ambridge. This new compendium, which brings together facts and trivia about characters, controversies and country customs in one handy volume, is sure to delight avid addicts and nervous newbies alike.
The Gardening Puzzle Book

The Gardening Puzzle Book


Felicity Hart

Price and format

Time to down your trowel and pick up a pencil

This bountiful crop of 200 gardening-themed puzzles has something for anyone with green fingers and a love of a good brain-teaser

Gardeners are a naturally smart species. But you don’t need to be an expert to enjoy this book. When your hands deserve a rest after you’ve been out toiling in the garden, or when the weather has you cooped up inside, how about a puzzle or two to cultivate the mind? From quick quizzes and riddles to more leisurely crosswords and sudoku, whether you’re a gardening obsessive or just enjoy pottering around your plot, there’s plenty in these pages to tickle your fancy and keep your brain as sharp as a thorn and as strong as an oak.

Inside you will find a rich variety of puzzles, including these:

– Find the flowers, fruit and veg hiding within word searches
– Spot the differences between various idyllic views of a garden
– Shuffle the letters of anagrams to locate your trusty tools
– Wind your way through a series of intricate hedge mazes
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