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Search Results for: Lifestyle

Showing 49-72 of 1274 results for Lifestyle

Vegan Life

Vegan Life


Jo Peters

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There’s more to being vegan than eating your greens…

A plant-based diet is the foundation of a vegan lifestyle, but you can do so much more to incorporate a cruelty-free approach into everyday life. Vegan Life highlights the simple, achievable ways you can show kindness to animals – and to the environment – not just with your choice of food but with the household products, clothing and cosmetics you buy too.

With tips on how to reliably spot vegan goods when shopping, DIY ideas for making your own organic cosmetic and cleaning products and, of course, essential recipes for delicious vegan food, this book makes it easy to live more ethically.



Wendy Green

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In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how food intolerances, gut infections, bacterial imbalance, stress and hormones contribute to IBS, and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with the symptoms. From simple dietary and lifestyle changes to DIY complementary therapies, find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope
with IBS, including:

Identify your IBS triggers and learn how to manage them

Choose beneficial foods and supplements

Manage stress and relax to reduce flare-ups

Learn which types of exercise can help to relieve symptoms

Find helpful organisations and products
50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Back Pain


Keith Souter

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In this easy-to-follow book, Dr Keith Souter explains the various types and the many possible causes of back pain and offers practical and holistic advice to help you to deal with it. With many years’ experience as a GP, medical acupuncturist and homoeopathic specialist he looks at lifestyle changes, dietary manipulation and supplements, as well as covering DIY complementary therapies that help one to deal with and reduce back pain. Find out 50 things you can do today including:

• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
• Discover natural anti-inflammatory herbs and spices
• Develop strategies to reduce pain
• Try out exercises that help
• Find helpful organisations and products



Alexa Kaye

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Living well doesn’t have to cost the earth

We all want to do our bit for the planet, and now it’s easier than ever. This book is your guide to eco-thrifty living: the way to look out for the climate and your budget at the same time. Explore the art of recycling and upcycling to spruce up your home and garden, find out how to revamp old clothes and how to say no to waste, and learn the secrets to conscious, creative living – all without the hefty price tag.

There is no planet B, but with eco-thrifty living, we won’t need one. From nifty cleaning tips, to stylish home decor and natural beauty, discover the countless ways to reduce your carbon footprint and live a life you love that’s sustainable – both for the world and your wallet.
Say No to Sugar

Say No to Sugar


Katherine Bassford

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Cutting out sugar has never been easier!

It’s easy to feel as if the sweet stuff is everywhere – from indulgent chocolate cakes to seemingly innocent fruit juices – and impossible to avoid. But this book is here to show you that there’s life beyond sugar, and you can still eat a varied, fulfilling and delicious diet while avoiding the insatiable cravings and hidden dangers that sweet treats can cause. Packed full of nutritional tips, reliable advice on how to cut down your sugar intake, lifestyle hacks and mouth-watering sugar-free recipes, this practical book gives you everything you need to make better dietary choices and say no to sugar for good.
Understanding and Dealing with Heart Disease

Understanding and Dealing with Heart Disease


Keith Souter

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Coronary heart disease is now the leading cause of death worldwide.*

The effects of coronary heart disease include angina, heart failure, abnormal heart rhythms, and most importantly, heart attacks. Heart disease has a serious effect on the lives of not only its sufferers, but also those who care for them, their family and friends.

This book gives the basic information needed to understand coronary artery disease and, most essentially, how to deal with it, including details on:
How the heart works Problems caused by coronary heart disease Recovering from a heart attack and dealing with angina or heart failure Lifestyle changes you can make to improve your health.
*Source: World Health Organization
How to Balance Your Life

How to Balance Your Life


Robin James

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Achieving a sense of equilibrium and inner peace can prove elusive when so many demands and responsibilities are constantly vying for your attention. Discover the tools for finding harmony in all aspects of your life with practical tips on everything from managing everyday stress to finding a work/life balance that is right for you. This inspirational book will help you find ways to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle and be more mindful of the wider world and your impact upon it, while making sure there is always room for ‘me’ time.

Balancing your life is essential to your health and well-being, and by applying a few simple concepts you will live your life at a pace that is comfortable and ultimately rewarding.
Climbing the Equator

Climbing the Equator


Neville Shulman

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Creatures from another time, volcanic mountains five million years old, Indian tribes surviving from the pre-Inca period, jungles and rainforests: Ecuador has all this and more. Only in its Galapagos Islands did Charles Darwin discover such a variety of extraordinary fauna that on his return to England he wrote his groundbreaking On the Origin of Species. With a philosophical yet humourous approach, Neville Shulman provides an in-depth background to Ecuador and its diverse peoples and tells intriguing stories of spectacular creatures and exotic flora, many not found anywhere else in the world.
Bonne Chance!

Bonne Chance!


Richard Wiles

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Deep in the Limousin countryside, Richard Wiles bought his dream home. But little did he expect to be living full time in the dilapidated farmhouse while struggling to finish the conversion during the insect plagues of summer and the harsh blizzards of winter. Watched by his bemused neighbours, Richard also pursues his more unusual dreams of raising llamas, hot-air ballooning and marathon running whilst trying to keep the roof over his head. Told with unfailing humour and optimism, this is a unique tale of overcoming the formidable challenges of building a home, and a life, in France. 



Amy Baker

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‘Watch out for men with too much wooden jewellery, Amy. I know what you’re like… you’ll let them sucker you in with their yoga chat but essentially, they’re unwashed… and you don’t want to put your face anywhere near an unwashed penis, let me tell you.’
Carol, receptionist

Having announced her plans to quit her job and backpack around South America, humourist and gonzo journalist Amy Baker found herself on the receiving end of a whole bunch of over-the-top and seemingly unnecessary advice. Amy shrugged it all off of course… that is, until she ran into trouble.

After falling into a crevasse, swimming in crocodile-infested waters, dodging cocaine con artists and encountering handsome soothsayers, Amy soon starts to wonder if her Mum, boss and Carol from reception really were onto something. Weighing up their advice against that of known ‘Clever People’ like Tina Fey, Salvador Dalí and Mother Teresa, Amy finally establishes once and for all who it might actually pay to listen to.
52 Things to Do While You Poo

52 Things to Do While You Poo


Hugh Jassburn

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Every toilet should have a copy of this book next to it.

Perching on the porcelain can be very boring when you have nothing to do but poo. But fear not, this colouring compendium to make use of those dull moments and truly maximise your creativity on the khazi. So grab your crayons and colour away – toilet time need no longer be a chore!
Narrowboat Nomads

Narrowboat Nomads


Steve Haywood

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We were aware of a dreamlike quality to our trip. There was something far-fetched about it, something out of this world.

Austerity might be getting everyone else down, but Steve is waving his worries goodbye on another of his light-hearted trips around the picturesque English waterways.

This time it’s a bit different, though. This time he’s not just cruising with his cat, Kit, but with his long-suffering wife, Em, who’s given up work and wants her share of easy living too. They’ve rented out their home for the ups and downs of a life afloat, and there’s no going back now as they cruise from the historic River Thames, through the Midlands and westward into the hills of Wales, meeting a familiar cast of eccentrics and oddballs along the way, and experiencing one of the hottest summers of recent years.

But how, after life in a four-bedroom house, do they manage to survive together squeezed into a space the size of a potting shed? Other books pretend to tell you about life afloat – this one shows you what it’s really like.
101 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child

101 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child


Poppy O’Neill

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One in four children will suffer from anxiety at some point in their young lives.

As a parent it can often be difficult to know how best to support your child when they become fearful and worried, and whether their worries are something they can deal with themselves or a symptom of something more serious.

This guide offers ways to help you to help your child articulate how they are feeling and offers effective coping strategies and simple lifestyle tweaks to manage anxiety by building their resilience and self-confidence for life.
– Identify the source of your child’s anxiety
– Instil good sleeping and eating habits
– Help your child create a list of calming actions for when they feel anxious
– Simple relaxation exercises
– Know when to seek support



Wendy Green

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Do you think you might be going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT? Or are you unsure which natural alternatives are effective? In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies. Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with the menopause, including:
Ease hot flushes and reduce the risks associated with menopause Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices Discover how to beat middle-age spread and look younger Find helpful organisations and products
50 Things You Can Do to Manage Hay Fever

50 Things You Can Do to Manage Hay Fever


Wendy Green

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Did you know that up to one in five people in the UK suffer from hay fever?

Are you one of them?

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how genetic, dietary, psychological and environmental factors can contribute to hay fever and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with your symptoms, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies.

Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with hay fever including:

• Identify your allergens
• Adopt preventative strategies
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
• Manage stress and relax to reduce the number and severity of attacks
• Find helpful organisations and products



Paul Smith

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There were five rules of Twitchhiker:
I can only accept offers of travel and accommodation from people on Twitter. I can’t make any travel plans further than three days in advance. I can only spend money on food, drink and anything that might fit in my suitcase. If there is more than one offer, I choose which I take. If there is only one, I have to take it within 48 hours. If I am unable to find a way to move on from a location within 48 hours, the challenge is over and I go home. Bored in the bread aisle of the supermarket one day, Paul Smith wondered how far he could get around the world in 30 days through the goodwill of users of social networking site Twitter. At the mercy of these rules, he set his sights on New Zealand – the opposite point on the planet to his home in Newcastle. All he had to do next was explain the idea to his new wife.
In an adventure wrapped in nonsense and cocooned in daft, he travelled by road, boat, plane and train, slept in five-star luxury and on no-star floors, shmoozed with Hollywood A-listers and was humbled by the generosity of the thousands who followed his journey and determined its course.
@twitchhiker I can send you to Wichita by Greyhound if that’s any good… Sent 10:13 AM Mar 12th
I was more or less in the exact geographical centre of a different continent, and a nameless woman some 4,000 miles east in Dublin was buying me a bus ticket…
A Miscellany of Garden Wisdom

A Miscellany of Garden Wisdom


Isobel Carlson, Ruth Chambers

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Audiobook Downloadable
You may not have the green fingers or the resources to build the Hanging Gardens of Babylon but it is still possible to create a blossoming haven in your own back garden. This practical book guides you through the mysteries of the seasons, with simple, easy-to-follow tips on the best way to make your garden grow.
50 Things You Can Do to Manage IBS

50 Things You Can Do to Manage IBS


Wendy Green

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Did you know that up to one in five people in the UK suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?

Are you one of them?

In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how diet, food intolerances, gut infections and bacterial imbalance, stress and hormones can contribute to IBS and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with the symptoms, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies.

Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with IBS including:

• Identify your IBS triggers and learn how to manage them
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
• Manage stress and relax to reduce flare-ups
• Learn which types of exercise can help to relieve symptoms
• Find helpful organisations and products
The Little Book of Modern Grooming

The Little Book of Modern Grooming


Rufus Cavendish

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From shaping your beard to the ultimate skincare routine, this sleek volume offers hacks, techniques and tips to keep you looking fine as hell. Discover natural alternatives to keep costs down and tackle bathroom bottle clutter. With this advice-filled book you’re just a page-turn away from looking great and feeling even better.
Get Your Shit Together

Get Your Shit Together


Vicki Vrint

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‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.’ Mark Twain

Organise your stuff and organise your life – you’ll soon see the results.

This book tells you exactly how to get your sh*t together, so you can be the best version of yourself.
Use its winning blend of super-achievable life hacks, motivating quotations and lots of good sh*t to kick-start your transformation.
From A to Bee

From A to Bee


James Dearsley

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Beekeeping. Oh my what have I done? I am 30 years old, I have been married for three years and am a new father to a fantastic little boy. Surely there are things that I should be doing at this age which do not involve little yellow and black insects that can hurt you if you are remotely clumsy (which at 6 feet 5, I have an amazing ability to be). James Dearsley’s wife thought he had lost his mind when he announced his intention to become a beekeeper. But like many interested in the self-sufficient lifestyle, he loved gardening and growing vegetables on his allotment and the old romantic in him had idealistic notions of teaching his little boy where honey came from, so he set himself what seemed a reasonable goal: to get, in a year’s time, just one jar of honey.
The Hedgerow Apothecary Forager's Handbook

The Hedgerow Apothecary Forager's Handbook


Christine Iverson

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Learn to forage in the hedgerows like the herbalists of the past

As many of us look for ways to live a more planet-friendly lifestyle, the sustainable and ethical art of foraging offers us a way to connect with the world around us. It is a practice rich in tradition and steeped in history, and one that links us to our past and our future.

This foraging companion is designed to be taken with you on your adventures into the hedgerows, forests and woodland all year round. Helpfully arranged by season, this book includes clear photographs to aid plant identification, ideas on how best to prepare and preserve your finds, fascinating foraging and plant folklore, and handy pages to make your own notes and drawings.

Additional features:

– Paperback and lightweight (approx. 330g) design, to allow you to take the book with you while foraging
– A month-by-month foraging calendar
– Advice on foraging etiquette and tips for creating a forager’s toolkit
This is the essential guide to enjoying the bountiful delights of the hedgerows.
The Little Book of Moustaches

The Little Book of Moustaches


Rufus Cavendish

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Dust off your Dali and hake out your Selleck, the ’tache is back. This impeccably turned-out little guide to the world’s most famous upper-lip embellishments will teach you how to groom, craft, style and quote your way to

Moustache Greatness.
Top Tips for Weddings

Top Tips for Weddings


Vicky Edwards

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There’s a lot to think about between the moment you say ‘Yes!’ and the moment you say ‘I do’. With advice on everything from picking the ideal venue to creative ideas for your wedding cake, this little book is the perfect companion to planning the wedding of your dreams.
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