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Audiobook Downloadable / ISBN-13: 9781848390218

Price: £3.99

ON SALE: 23rd October 2007

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Identity theft is a horrifying and traumatic experience. It’s easy to imagine the frustration at being wrongly denied a credit card or loan. Worse are the sleepless nights after threatening phone calls from creditors anxious to retrieve cash loaned in your name. It can also be much more serious.

Identity theft is linked to organised crime: illegal immigration and human trafficking, drug couriers, and money laundering. For these criminals, identity theft is a way of avoiding detection. Home Office figures estimate that identity fraud costs the UK economy £1.72 billion a year. It is a growth industry that affects everyone.

If you have never been the victim of identity theft, count yourself lucky. But luck is not enough. This audiobook is essential for everyone, as we are all potential victims. Learn how to protect yourself against it, how to spot the warning signs, and what to do if you think someone may have stolen your identity.