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The Unofficial Facebooker's Social Survival Guide

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Audiobook Downloadable / ISBN-13: 9781848390836

Price: £6.99

ON SALE: 21st May 2008

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Ever woken from a night of revelry to find your drunken antics the subject of a tagfest? Ever accidentally wall-posted yourself into a relationship row or been hunted by a school-days stalker? If your real social life is dying a death at the hands of your virtual one, fear not, Facebookers – help is just a little book away.This cheeky unofficial guide will show you how to navigate the perilous pitfalls of life online while having as much fun as possible.

Get to grips with tags, pokes, requests and posts, and work them to your advantage. Tips and hints include how to:

tag your way out of a bad relationship
poke and post without stalking
keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Whether you’re a Facebook virgin or an application addict, you won’t want to log in without this book.