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Ditch cross training for crotch straining with this cum-pendium of erotic exercises

Think you can’t f*ck yourself to fitness? This book is here to settle the mass debate. Whether you’re a rookie romper or a seasoned sexpert, these drills are sure to get the juices flowing and keep you trim and toned.

Each of the exercises in this book will help enlarge your love muscles and boost your stamina, and the useful diagrams and simple instructions will guarantee your lovemaking achieves maximum results. Simply find a willing partner and prepare yourselves for some downright dirty antics!

In this book you will find:

– A range of X-rated workouts from beginner bonks to advanced bedroom aerobics
– Guidance on dirty warm-ups and post-climax cool-downs
– A list of essential erotic equipment
– Space to list your achievements and log your lovemaking
Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, this is the ultimate guide to getting f*cking fit!