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Search Results for: Mind Body and Spirit

Showing 265-288 of 337 results for Mind Body and Spirit

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Insomnia

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Insomnia


Wendy Green

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Good quality sleep is vital for well-being, yet one in ten adults in the UK experience sleep problems at some point in their lives, affecting mood and general health. Are you one of them?

• Discover how your night-time routine can aid restful sleep
• Make your bedroom conducive to sleep
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements
Enchantress Tarot

Enchantress Tarot


Mara Parra

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Are you ready to receive the magic of the cards? This beautiful tarot deck, with bespoke illustrations by Josefina Schargorodsky, will help you gain insight into your past, present and future.

For centuries, tarot has been used as a tool for divination. With this beautiful deck you can seek spiritual wisdom, explore your soul and unveil profound insights into your future.

This empowering oracle deck features bespoke illustrations inspired by Pamela Colman Smith – the artist who created the enchanting images for the original Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck. The cards within celebrate feminine energy and intuitive power, and will inspire you in your divination practice.

This exquisite oracle deck includes:
– 78 cards of the major and minor arcana
– An introductory booklet of advice on how to lay out and read the cards

Perfect for beginners and seasoned readers alike, delve into Enchantress Tarot to embrace the sacred power of the tarot, channel your feminine power and read the unseen forces that guide your path.
Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak


Tharik Hussain

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Filled with quotes, sayings and teachings from the Qur’an and a curated selection of prominent figures, this little book will uplift and inspire you for a peaceful, purposeful Ramadan

Immerse yourself in this beautiful selection of powerful words to help you feel inspired and encouraged throughout the holy month of Ramadan – a time of hope and renewal. Drawing on the wisdom of the Qur’an, the pages in this book share insightful words and guidance from a wide range of Muslim figures, offering a place for spiritual growth as you deepen your connection to Allah and enhance your worship and devotion.

With thoughts and advice on staying positive throughout this sacred time, this little book will be a source of strength, offering spiritual support and guidance as you venture on a journey of reflection and purification. Let Ramadan Mubarak serve as your companion, bringing comfort to your soul and peace to your heart.

Ramadan Mubarak!
You Are So Awesome

You Are So Awesome


Summersdale Publishers

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Never doubt your awesomeness

Be the boss of your thoughts and feelings, and don’t let any negative vibes get you down with this little book of feel-good quotes and statements. Dip into it whenever you need a boost and let the encouraging words help you reflect on how amazingly awesome you are.



Wendy Green

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In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how psychological, genetic and dietary factors can contribute to anxiety, and offers practical advice and a holistic approach

to help you deal with the symptoms. From simple dietary and lifestyle changes to DIY complementary therapies, find out 50 things you can do today, including:
– Replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive ones
– Manage stress and relax to reduce symptoms
– Choose beneficial foods and supplements
– Find helpful organisations and products
My Sleep Tracker

My Sleep Tracker


Anna Barnes, Summersdale Publishers

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Keep track of your sleep

This tracker is a handy tool to help you record your sleep over time. Whether you want to understand the patterns and quality of your sleep, or identify what’s keeping you up at night, this book is the ideal place to start.

Including a monthly sleep tracker, daily logs, calming activities and more, this journal not only helps you to understand your sleeping habits, but also guides you to improve them.
The Little Book of Lagom

The Little Book of Lagom


Jonny Jackson, Elias Larsen

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Lagom (pronounced lah-gom) is a Swedish word that means ‘not too much and not too little, but just the right amount’. It’s about achieving a happy and healthy balance in all aspects of your life, such as eating and drinking in moderation, being environmentally and socially conscious, setting realistic goals and living within your means.
The Little Book of Lagom is packed with practical ways to apply this ethos of moderation and fairness in your everyday life, from thrifty tips for being more energy efficient and creating less waste to ways of using your time more productively and allowing yourself moments to pause and think, and be happy.
Be kind to yourself and simplify your life. Think Lagom.
The Art of Hygge

The Art of Hygge


Jonny Jackson, Elias Larsen

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Hygge (pronounced ‘hue-ga’) is a Danish word that describes the feeling of being cosy, comfortable and at peace with the world. It’s almost impossible to translate into English, but this concept might explain why Denmark is one of the happiest countries in the world.
The Art of Hygge is packed with delicious recipes to share with friends, craft ideas for decorating your home, and inspirational suggestions for enjoying the magic of everyday pleasures. Whether it’s a soothing mug of hot chocolate, a tasty butternut squash soup or a snuggly pair of felt slippers, you’ll find that a little hygge brings a lot of happiness!
The Mermaid Craft Book

The Mermaid Craft Book


Marianne Thompson

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Make a splash with this mer-mazing craft book!

Add a little mermaid magic to your underwater wardrobe with some seashell earrings or fish-tail flares, make your hair and nails sparkle like the ocean with our beguiling beauty tips, and embellish your deep-sea palace with a raindrop moon lantern and ocean-ripple cushions.

Whether you are a crafting beginner or have been making for many moons, there is something for everyone who longs to let their inner mermaid swim free!

The Little Book of Confidence

The Little Book of Confidence


Lucy Lane

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Everybody deserves to be happy and confident in the skin they’re in, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. If you need to find some extra courage, try dipping into this handy guide. With uplifting quotes and a host of tips and tricks to give your confidence a boost, this little book will help you look life in the eye with certainty and assurance.
She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did


Sunny Fungcap

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Made with melanin and magic

There is no one quite like you. Your strengths are unique and your future is full of wonder. It’s time to tap in to your confidence and express your true self boldly.

This little book is packed with empowering words from women of colour whose self-belief has seen them achieve awesome things. From Wilma Rudolph and Lupita Nyong’o to Ida B. Wells and Malala Yousafzai, these inspiring icons will help you love yourself a little more and own your story.
You're Magic

You're Magic


Summersdale Publishers

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You put the super into supernatural

Packed full of spellbinding statements and mystical musings, this uplifting collection of quotations will remind you just how extraordinary you really are. It’s time to embrace your inner power and if you ever doubt yourself, just remember: you’re magic!
Stay Positive

Stay Positive


Sophie Golding

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Stay positive, be brave, shine bright

Prepare to discover your inner optimist with this collection of simple tips for banishing the dark clouds and focusing on the good. Bursting with uplifting statements and inspirational quotes to get you looking on the bright side, this book will endow you with the power of positivity and help you to become your happiest self.
You Can Do It

You Can Do It


Summersdale Publishers

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This empowering little book is brimming with inspirational quotations and uplifting statements to kick-start your positivity. It’s the perfect boost to help you seize the day and make things happen – and remember, you can do it!
The Joy Of No

The Joy Of No


Summersdale Publishers

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Embrace the joy of saying no

In a world that favours ‘yes’ it can take courage to say ‘no’, but this little word can set you free. Whether it’s turning down an invitation or saying no to small favours you don’t have time for, this simple phrase helps you to take control of your time and prioritise what’s most important to you. With short tips and inspiring quotes, this little book will help you to harness the positive power of ‘no’ for a happier, calmer and more joyful life.
Life's Little Instruction Book

Life's Little Instruction Book


Summersdale Publishers

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Remember that everything matters – but nothing matters that much.
Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and skip your way to the other side.
Life has a habit of surprising us – with joy, with sadness, with anger, with bafflement, and with situations that can fall anywhere along the whole rainbow of human emotion. What we need most often is a simple reminder to help us gain perspective, to provide comfort, companionship, and a compass when we are lost. This book is a treasure trove of powerful, pragmatic advice to help you face life head on, with humour, integrity and kindness, and maybe even to help others along the way too.
Never Lose Your Sparkle

Never Lose Your Sparkle


Summersdale Publishers

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A fabulous collection of life-affirming quotes to uplift and inspire anyone who needs a little shot of courage, self-belief and confidence

Sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of the things that make us special, but you are unique and wonderful just as you are, and the wise words in these pages are here to inspire you to find your zest for life. This little book of uplifting quotations will help you celebrate what makes you sparkle, shine and stand out from the crowd.

From Judy Garland to Jim Morrison, these carefully chosen quotes come from an inspiring array of awesome thinkers, powerful people and insightful celebrities. Featuring a vibrant design to bring out your inner pizzazz, Never Lose Your Sparkle is sure to deliver a dose of dazzle to every day.

Let this pocket-sized package of positivity inspire you to stand tall and be your best self, because there’s no one quite like you!
You Are Strong as Hell

You Are Strong as Hell


Maria Medeiros

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Strong. Smart. Fierce. Full of fire.

This bold and brazen little book is a salute to strong women everywhere – the ones that raised us, the ones that support us, the ones that show the world just how tough women can be

Strength comes in many shapes and sizes, from physical power and mental toughness to quiet and composed confidence. You can be gentle and powerful; you can be calm and resilient; you can be shy but rock-solid in your beliefs.

The empowering quotes and rousing affirmations in this book honour assertive and brave women everywhere. They will light a fire that helps you supercharge your confidence, lift your vibe and celebrate your power.

Packed with uplifting, inspirational mantras such as:
– Empowered women empower women
– Strong women don’t have “attitudes” – we have standards
– Behind every successful woman is her tribe of supportive sisters
– Nothing is mightier than a woman who knows her worth
– Never apologize for your power
– A strong woman supports herself. A stronger woman supports everyone around her.
You Are So Awesome

You Are So Awesome


Summersdale Publishers

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‘Believe you can and you’re halfway there.’
Theodore Roosevelt

This inspirational little book is packed with uplifting and positive quotations to spur you into action and give you a high-five. Let nothing stop you and nobody knock you, because you’re awesome – and don’t you forget it!
Be Brave

Be Brave


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the best-selling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem

Does your child appear nervous and isolated in social settings?

Perhaps they find it difficult to approach other children or make friends?

Do they seem to avoid engaging in hobbies and activities?

These could all be signs that your child is struggling with shyness.

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child overcome shyness. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s confidence, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Jem – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Keep Calm and Colour Cats

Keep Calm and Colour Cats


Summersdale Publishers

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‘Like a graceful vase, a cat, even when motionless, seems to flow.’
George F. Will
Soothe your stress and find relaxation with this charming collection of colouring patterns inspired by the flowing form and calming character of cats.
Colour, create and keep calm!
Prayer First Aid Kit

Prayer First Aid Kit


Victoria Lorenzato

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Whether you’re in need of advice, comfort or an outlet for joy in happy occasions, the world of prayer can offer a safe and reassuring place to express your feelings and search for answers. Let this collection of inspiring and illuminating prayers for every occasion help you resolve the dilemmas in your life.
The Moon Almanac

The Moon Almanac


Judith Hurrell

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When can you spot the Hunter’s Moon, a Smiling Moon or a Pink Moon?

How can the phases of the moon help your garden grow?

What influence does the moon have on hamsters, coral and skylarks?

Navigate the rhythms of the night sky with this evocative collection of poetry, prose and precious wisdom. Illuminating the moon’s influence on the natural world and its depiction in folklore and the arts, this guide will open your eyes to the wonders of our brightest celestial neighbour.
Guilt-Free Mum

Guilt-Free Mum


Zeena Moolla

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Let go of mum guilt and enjoy the first years of motherhood with the help of this self-care support guide

Sleepless nights, endless feeding and the constant whir of the washing machine are often what you expect when you become a mum – and on top of all that, there’s “mum guilt”. Often born from the unrealistic expectation of the “perfect” mother, mum guilt is the term given to the feelings of inadequacy that women experience in relation to their children and their parenting choices.

This is where Guilt-Free Mum comes in; it’s time to reject the notion of the perfect parent and start being kind to yourself. Learn to allay those fears that you are falling short of expectations and give yourself a break!

Inside you will find:
– Top tips and techniques on how to overcome mum guilt
– A multitude of simple ways to inject self-care into a busy schedule
– Case studies from other new mums on how they overcame their anxieties
– Empowering quotes to inspire and motivate

You don’t have to achieve perfection to be an amazing mother because you already are!
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