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Search Results for: Pregnancy Parenting and Childhood

Showing 1-24 of 38 results for Pregnancy Parenting and Childhood

New Old-Fashioned Parenting

New Old-Fashioned Parenting


Liat Hughes Joshi

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There’s been a revolution in the family; it’s now all about the kids.
We’ve moved on from children being ‘seen and not heard’, but we’re now plagued with the worry of ending up with ‘that child’ – the one who’s running amok and is ill-prepared for life.
This book combines contemporary and traditional childrearing methods, bringing fresh thinking to some of the essential parenting issues of our time:
• Managing screen use
• Encouraging independence
• Finding the balance between school and play
• Compromising between parenting that’s pushy and not involved enough
• Establishing the ‘best of both worlds’ approach that
works in the modern world for modern families.
In this manifesto of new old-fashioned parenting there’s no pandering, no spoiling, and definitely no dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets at dinner time.
5-Minute Parenting Fixes

5-Minute Parenting Fixes


Liat Hughes Joshi

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We all have busy lives but want to be the best parent to our child, without compromise.
Many of us turn to the internet when we want a snap answer to a parenting dilemma, but how do we determine what is reliable information? This book is the antidote to those overwhelming search engine results. It’s a one-stop source for time-poor parents who need reliable, tried and tested advice on all the parenting conundrums from classic to topical, such as:
What’s the best way to encourage good behaviour? How can I ensure my child has a healthy body image. How can I ensure they do their homework with minimal fuss? How can I get my children to play nicely together instead of fight? With no-nonsense solutions, each designed to be read in less than 5 minutes, this book will help to boost your confidence when making important parenting decisions.
You the Daddy

You the Daddy


Giles Alexander

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“By far the best parenting book for dads-to-be” – Dadsnet

Welcome to the hands-on dad’s guide to fatherhood – for anyone who’s embarking on the rollercoaster ride of parenting but doesn’t know where to begin

Split into digestible chapters, this book provides practical and easy-to-follow advice on every stage of pregnancy, birth and the early years of parenthood – up until your baby’s three – including essentials such as:

– Supporting your partner as she grows a baby
– Preparing for your new arrival
– Being the best birth partner you can be
– A step-by-step guide to life with a newborn
– The journey of your child’s development and advice on raising well-rounded toddlers
– Looking after your mental health while providing for your family

Expectations of new dads and the roles we play have never been greater. This is a life-changing time for you and your partner and the prep work starts now.
The Friendship Maze

The Friendship Maze


Tanith Carey

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Friendship battles among children have existed since the words ‘you can’t play with us’ were first uttered in the playground.
But the worry is that today it seems there is no minimum age limit to being hurtful to others. Unkind or exclusive behaviour appears to be starting sooner than ever – even in nursery school – and continues throughout the school system. As a result, friendship issues top the list of parents’ concerns, and, from the other side of the school gates, they can often feel powerless.

This book will change that as parenting writer Tanith Carey analyses the increasingly complex social pressures changing the face of childhood, having drawn on extensive research on children’s friendships, from toddlers to teens. She offers practical solutions for building your child’s social skills for a happier, more carefree childhood, including how to:
– Help your child deal with classroom and social media politics.
– Inoculate your child against the effects of peer-group pressure, cliquiness and exclusion.
– Learn what’s really going on in your child’s social circle.
– Bully-proof your child throughout school.
– Work out when to step in and step out of your child’s conflicts.
– Help your child make friends if they are stuck on the sidelines.

The Friendship Maze is suitable for ages three to sixteen.
It's Twins! Now What?

It's Twins! Now What?


Jessica Bomford

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Whether twins are a delightful surprise or a bolt from the blue, one thing is certain: your life will never be the same again. Packed with tips and anecdotes from fellow parents of twins, as well as advice from professionals, this go-to guide will help you prepare for, survive and enjoy your first year with twins.
Provides tips on all the essential topics, including:
► Preparing for the arrival of your twins
► Premature birth
► Identical twins
► Establishing healthy sleep and feeding routines
► Getting out and about
► Twin health and development
► What it means to be a twin
And much more!
100 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep

100 Tips to Help Your Baby Sleep


Stephanie Modell

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Sleep is probably the topic that preoccupies parents of babies and young children more than any other.

Sleep is essential for the physical and psychological health of your baby, and for the well-being of the whole family. This accessible no-nonsense guide will help you to establish positive sleep habits and put good practices into place for your baby from the first few weeks. With supportive advice arranged into simple but informative tips, including:
– Understanding how babies sleep
– Teaching the difference between night and day
– Learning about sleep cycles and rhythms
– How to establish an effective bedtime routine
– Discovering how developmental changes can affect your baby’s sleep
– Tried and trusted ways to teach your baby to self-settle
– Establishing consistency with daytime naps
– Quick trouble-shooting tips in a bonus chapter
How to Support Your Anxious Child

How to Support Your Anxious Child


Poppy O’Neill

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A gentle, practical guide for parents and carers of anxious children who are finding it difficult to navigate their child’s worries

Children are often reluctant to speak about their worries or don’t have the language to articulate them. This makes it difficult to know how serious their concerns are and how you can support them. A child’s worries can also be projected onto the caregiver, which can create a cycle of anxiety in the relationship.

This guide offers quick-to-action parenting solutions, effective coping strategies and simple lifestyle changes to help you help your child. With these tools, your child will be able to express their feelings and manage their anxiety by building resilience and self-confidence for life.

Inside this book, you will learn how to:
· Identify the source of your child’s anxiety
· Help your child practise calming techniques when they feel anxious
· Teach your child simple relaxation exercises
· Instil good habits in your child’s routine, including better sleep and diet
· Know when to seek support
Pocket Commando Dad

Pocket Commando Dad


Neil Sinclair

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Let training commence

Attention! In your hand is an indispensable pocket-sized training manual for new dads. Written by ex-Commando and father of three Neil Sinclair, this no-nonsense guide will teach you everything you need to know to prepare for your biggest mission yet: parenthood. With step-by-step advice and Commando Dad Top Tips, this book will ensure you’re ready to parent with military precision.

Learn how to:
– Prepare base camp for your baby trooper’s arrival
– Survive the first 24 hours
– Establish feeding and sleeping routines
– Pack a survival kit for everything from light missions to long-term deployments
– Transport the troops successfully on manoeuvres
– Treat ailments and injuries with basic first-aid training
– Keep base camp tidy and square away tasks along the way
– Maintain morale in the ranks
And much, much more.

Designed to be used in the field from birth to 12 months, this resource provides the foundation to all the practical skills needed to become the ultimate protector to your newest trooper. As used by Prince William himself, this is the go-to training manual for fatherhood recruits!
The Baby Sleep Guide

The Baby Sleep Guide


Stephanie Modell

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Babies do wake at night; it’s nature’s way of keeping them safe – but you can help them to sleep better with some gentle guidance

A refreshed edition of the original, with added content and a new chapter, The Baby Sleep Guide maintains the gentle and logical approach to improve your baby’s sleep, whilst ensuring that everything captured in the book can be as accessible as possible to all those who are looking for some support in how to establish positive sleep habits.

The secret to helping babies sleep through the night is understanding their sleep cycles and natural rhythms. The Baby Sleep Guide provides simple and easy tips to help you establish positive sleep habits early on that will pay dividends in the long term.

It will guide you through responsive, gentle parenting techniques that emphasise the importance of nurturing your baby and always responding to their needs, while gradually encouraging a little sleep independence. Designed to be deliberately concise so you can find information at a glance, The Baby Sleep Guide offers clear solutions to ensure a good night’s sleep for everyone and will support you through the first year of your baby’s life.
Gadgets Away

Gadgets Away


Fiona Jennison

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Technology has become the too-easy way to entertain ourselves and our children. For parents who are concerned about screen time during times of self-isolation and home schooling, and kids who wish their grown ups would play with them more, this easy-to-use, imaginative book has everything. From five-minute time fillers to large-scale party games, there’s plenty of fun here to keep your family laughing:
Sporty games and playground classics Activities for indoors, gardens, parks and beaches Memory and travel games, brain teasers and magic tricks No preparation or lengthy shopping trips needed for these creative ideas, just find your idea and go! This encyclopedia of joy is perfect for families big and small who want to have fun in the real world.
Help Your Child Make Friends

Help Your Child Make Friends


Poppy O’Neill

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Seeing your child struggle to make friends is difficult for anyone

Friendships can be tricky, but help is at hand. This guide will help you teach your child what makes a healthy friendship, and equip them with the tools they need to build stronger bonds and feel more confident in making new friends. Offering ideas, information and simple tips that will help you talk to your child and show them how to develop their social skills, this book will ensure they enjoy better friendships for life.
– Understand what makes a good friend
– Try some fun bonding activities
– Nurture positivity and empathy
– Deal with peer pressure and bullying
– Know when to seek support
101 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child

101 Tips to Help Your Anxious Child


Poppy O’Neill

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One in four children will suffer from anxiety at some point in their young lives.

As a parent it can often be difficult to know how best to support your child when they become fearful and worried, and whether their worries are something they can deal with themselves or a symptom of something more serious.

This guide offers ways to help you to help your child articulate how they are feeling and offers effective coping strategies and simple lifestyle tweaks to manage anxiety by building their resilience and self-confidence for life.
– Identify the source of your child’s anxiety
– Instil good sleeping and eating habits
– Help your child create a list of calming actions for when they feel anxious
– Simple relaxation exercises
– Know when to seek support
Help Your Child Manage Their Moods

Help Your Child Manage Their Moods


Louise Baty

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Learn to talk to your child about their big feelings

We can all feel overwhelmed by big feelings, and this is especially true for children. They are still developing their emotional awareness and may struggle to manage their moods. While there’s nothing wrong with an emotionally sensitive child, it can make life a little more difficult for them if they become easily frustrated, cry more readily and experience low self-esteem and feelings of powerlessness. This guide will teach you the skills to nurture your child’s ability to notice, regulate and articulate their feelings in healthy, adaptive ways.

– Instil good sleeping and eating habits
– Help your child create a list of calming actions for when they feel angry or upset
– Introduce simple relaxation exercises
– Know when to seek support
When I Feel Angry

When I Feel Angry


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem
Does your child have frequent tantrums and outbursts?
Perhaps they find it hard to speak about their emotions?
Do they seem to get overwhelmed by stress and anxiety quickly?
These could all be signs that your child is struggling with angry moods.
This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child manage their anger and express their feelings in healthy ways. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.
Your child will be guided, with the help of Rah – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Help Your Child Feel Happier

Help Your Child Feel Happier


Caroline Roope

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Seeing your child experience unhappiness is difficult for any parent

With so many possible reasons for low mood, it can be challenging to know how best to support them. This guide will help you to communicate with your child and equip them with the tools to express themselves. Offering ideas for simple lifestyle tweaks, it will help you to help your child foster a more positive outlook and to build their resilience and self-confidence for life.
– Identify the source of your child’s low mood
– Nurture a positive mindset
– Build self-confidence
– Learn mood-boosting activities
– Know when to seek support
I Like Being Me

I Like Being Me


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem
Does your child frequently compare themselves to their friends?
Perhaps they find it difficult to make decisions because they doubt themselves and their abilities?
Do they seem to avoid socializing and participating in hobbies and activities?
These could all be signs that your child is struggling with low self-worth.
This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child overcome their self-doubt. It’s aimed at children aged 7–11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s confidence, not just now but for years to come.
Your child will be guided, with the help of Coco – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Help Your Child Cope with Change

Help Your Child Cope with Change


Liat Hughes Joshi

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As featured in Hello! Magazine

This accessible guide will help you to support your child through difficult experiences brought on by life changes, including divorce, new siblings, or the loss of a loved one

Change is part of life, but for a child it can be scary and bewildering. Whether it’s the prospect of starting school, dealing with changes in the family or seeing unsettling events in the wider world, there are many aspects of life that can cause a child to feel destabilized and frightened.

As parents and carers, we try everything in our power to shield our children and prepare them emotionally for disappointments and upsets, but sometimes it can be hard to know what to do for the best. Help Your Child Cope with Change offers actionable tips that will give you and your child the support you need to navigate these difficult moments with kindness and care.

Discover how to:
– Nurture resilience and a positive mindset in your child
– Break bad news to your child
– Establish behaviour boundaries and retain routines during difficult times
– Deal with overwhelming emotions
– Seek support
Be Calm

Be Calm


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem

Does your child appear anxious or stressed a lot of the time?

Do they find it difficult to let go of negative thoughts and feelings?

Do they seem tense or nervous?

These could all be signs that your child is struggling with stress and anxiety.

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child find calm. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Kip – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Be Confident

Be Confident


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the best-selling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem

Does your child struggle to speak up for themselves?
Do they tend to avoid new things and find change hard?
Perhaps they negatively compare themselves to others and put themselves down?

These could all be signs that your child is struggling with their self-esteem.

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child’s confidence soar. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s self-esteem, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Buzz the monster – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Be Mindful

Be Mindful


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the bestselling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem

Does your child appear worried or stressed?

Do they find it difficult to concentrate for long periods of time?

Do they spend a lot of time on their phone or gadgets?

These could all be signs that your child would benefit from practising mindfulness.

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child improve their focus and be more present. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Buddy – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
The Baby Play Guide

The Baby Play Guide


Emily Kearns

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Encourage and support your baby’s natural development with this inspiring collection of daily activities that promote safe, fun and effective play

Split into bite-sized chapters with an accessible tone and accompanying illustrations, The Baby Play Guide provides a host of easy and practical ideas to help you make every second with your baby count. Packed with a variety of stimulating, screen-free and age-appropriate activity suggestions for you to try, this book will guide you through your baby’s first year, encouraging you to bond with them through play while supporting and tracking their development.

Whether it’s showing a newborn high-contrast images to help their visual focus, or enjoying creative, messy play with older infants, this informative guide will also explain the context and science behind baby development at key stages, how to “play” the activity, and how each one can help your little one reach motor, sensory, communication and feeding milestones.
Be Brave

Be Brave


Poppy O’Neill

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An interactive workbook for parents and children from the author of the best-selling titles Don’t Worry, Be Happy: A Child’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety and You’re a Star: A Child’s Guide to Self-Esteem

Does your child appear nervous and isolated in social settings?

Perhaps they find it difficult to approach other children or make friends?

Do they seem to avoid engaging in hobbies and activities?

These could all be signs that your child is struggling with shyness.

This practical guide combines cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child overcome shyness. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s confidence, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Jem – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents.
Be Cool, Be You

Be Cool, Be You


Poppy O’Neill

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This activity book is for children aged 7-11 years

It’s full of great information, fun activities and top tips to help your child build their confidence and social skills to make lasting friendships

Does your child appear unhappy or lonely at school?

Perhaps they have a tendency to think negatively and doubt themselves?

Do they worry about what other children think about them?

These could be signs that your child is struggling to make friends.

This practical guide combines proven cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness methods with simple activities to help your child grow their self-confidence. It’s aimed at children aged 7-11 because a lot happens in these years that can impact a child’s emotional well-being, not just now but for years to come.

Your child will be guided, with the help of Blip – a friendly and supportive character they can identify with – through fun and engaging activities which are interspersed with useful tips, inspirational statements and practical information for parents and carers.
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