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Search Results for: Lifestyle

Showing 433-456 of 1333 results for Lifestyle

How to Survive 40

How to Survive 40


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

Price and format

Brace yourself… 40 is approaching!
Once your thirties are behind you, there are no excuses left – you’re indisputably ‘experienced’, certifiably ‘mature’. But don’t trade that margarita for a mug of cocoa just yet, because there’s plenty more fun to be had. This cheerful little book, full of tongue-in-cheek advice, will help keep your mojo working for many years to come!
Gap Year Adventures

Gap Year Adventures


Tamsin King

Price and format

Tips and Ideas for Making Your Gap Year Great
Gap years are bursting with possibility, begging to be filled with new experiences and unforgettable moments. But how do you make the most of your time out? This handy guide is packed with exciting and creative ideas that will take you all over the world. Whether you’re in search of a thrilling outdoor activity or a spiritual awakening, here’s how to make it truly memorable.
Rugby’s Funniest Jokes

Rugby’s Funniest Jokes


Jim Chumley

Price and format

Why is a successful rugby team like a lingerie shop?

It has a wide variety of cups and plenty of support.

Some might say there’s nothing funny about cauliflower ears and scrums, but this little book begs to differ. Packed with rib-tickling jokes, Rugby’s Funniest Jokes is perfect for any fan of the sport with the odd-shaped ball.
Completely Conkers

Completely Conkers


Will Jackson, Jon Stroud

Price and format

Who would live in a country where no child is allowed to win a race on sports day and you can lose your job for forwarding an ‘Irish joke’ email? About 60 million Britons, that’s who!
This laugh-out-loud collection of ludicrous laws, political correctness gone mad, moneywasting council schemes and ridiculous red tape reveals how:
Trapeze artists were told by insurers to wear hard hats in accordance with the European Union’s Temporary Work at Heights directive. After falling in the prison shower, a career criminal was compensated £248,000, including a substantial amount ‘for lost earnings’. A phone contractor was not qualified to dig a six-inch-deep trench because he did not have ‘underground capability’. NB: This book doesn’t come with a safety warning. If you cut yourself on the paper, you can sod off.
Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up

Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins, Ian Baker, Ian Baker

Price and format

See the funny side of ageing with this collection of amusing observations, silly suggestions and humorous illustrations – the perfect gift for any birthday girl or boy with more than a few candles on their cake

So you’re a little bit older. So what? Just because you’re getting on a bit doesn’t mean you have to start acting ancient. The universe is over 13 billion years old, and you’re probably nowhere near that yet – well, not quite anyway.

Frankly, it’s never too early to start enjoying your second childhood, to stop taking life so seriously and to start acting a bit silly again. This book will be your go-to guide for inspiration and merriment while clocking up birthdays like they’re going out of fashion.

Across these pages, you’ll find all kinds of wild recommendations and questionable advice, including:
– Things it’s never too late to do
– Grown-up and less grown-up ways to behave at work
– How to keep up with modern technology
– Ways you can blend in with younger people
– Things you can have tantrums about as you get older

So forget the creaking joints or fleeing follicles and embrace the opportunities for mischief and mirth – after all, growing old doesn’t mean growing up!
The Gardening Puzzle Book

The Gardening Puzzle Book


Felicity Hart

Price and format

Time to down your trowel and pick up a pencil

This bountiful crop of 200 gardening-themed puzzles has something for anyone with green fingers and a love of a good brain-teaser

Gardeners are a naturally smart species. But you don’t need to be an expert to enjoy this book. When your hands deserve a rest after you’ve been out toiling in the garden, or when the weather has you cooped up inside, how about a puzzle or two to cultivate the mind? From quick quizzes and riddles to more leisurely crosswords and sudoku, whether you’re a gardening obsessive or just enjoy pottering around your plot, there’s plenty in these pages to tickle your fancy and keep your brain as sharp as a thorn and as strong as an oak.

Inside you will find a rich variety of puzzles, including these:

– Find the flowers, fruit and veg hiding within word searches
– Spot the differences between various idyllic views of a garden
– Shuffle the letters of anagrams to locate your trusty tools
– Wind your way through a series of intricate hedge mazes
Weird Shit

Weird Shit


Mark Leigh

Price and format

Did you know?
Salvador Dali sometimes wore a perfume of fish glue and cow dung to attract his then girlfriend, Gala.

Have you heard, seen or read about something so bizarre and incredible that it leaves you bamboozled for the rest of the day? No? Then you haven’t read Weird Sh!t. 

This eclectic and eccentric mix of news stories, events, concepts and conceits reveals a world removed from reality as you know it. Prepare to depart from this seemingly conventional life and arrive at a destination full of downright weird and wonderful shit.
So You're 40

So You're 40


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

Price and format

You may never now become a rock star or regain the waist size you had at 18. You have taken a sudden interest in bleeding your radiators and figuring out the best route by road to anywhere in the country.

On the bright side, you can feel smug that you have better grammar than a university student and don’t have to dig out your embarrassing passport photo to get into pubs or buy alcohol.
Falling in Honey

Falling in Honey


Jennifer Barclay

Price and format

I came here looking for some kind of happiness. I think it might be the cleverest thing I have ever done.

One heartbroken winter, Jennifer decides to act on her dream of moving to a tiny Greek island – because life is too short not to reach out for what makes us happy.

Funny, romantic and full of surprising twists, Falling in Honey is a story about relationships, tzatziki, adventures, swimming, Greek dancing, starfish… and a bumpy but beautiful journey into Mediterranean sunshine.
Old Age for Beginners

Old Age for Beginners


Clive Whichelow, Ian Baker

Price and format

It’s time to embrace the slower pace!

There’s no denying it – you’re OLD, but that comes with a lot of perks. You can say the most outrageous things and somehow get away with it. You can dress however you damn well please. And after learning from so many mistakes, you’re now as wise as you are wizened. It’s your time to recline, and this hilarious book will show you how it’s done.
Unusual Ways to Die

Unusual Ways to Die


James Proud

Price and format

Did you hear about…
The Tennessee student who jumped into a laundry chute that was actually a trash compactor?
The Swiss statesman butchered by an axe-wielding bear?
The ancient Greek playwright struck by a tortoise falling from the sky?
Over the ages, death has come in some very unpredictable forms. This irreverent little book gathers together some of the most peculiar and outrageous ways that people across the globe have met their untimely ends. Whether shocking or silly, these true stories are proof at least that the grim reaper has a strange sense of humour.
You Know You're a Rugby Fanatic When...

You Know You're a Rugby Fanatic When...


Steven Gauge

Price and format

You know you’re a rugby fanatic when…
… your Facebook profile photo is a close-up of your latest injury.
… you own more replica shirts than work ones.
If this sounds all too familiar, read one to discover whether you’re truly obsessed with the odd-shaped ball or just one player short of a scrum!
Bon Courage

Bon Courage


Richard Wiles

Price and format

How much land is there altogether?’ I asked. ‘About thirteen acres,’ said the estate agent. ‘Whatever would you do with that much land? It’s an awful lot to upkeep.’ I grinned. No problem! ‘I’d keep llamas and fly balloons!’

A dilapidated, rat-infested stone barn might not be many people’s vision of a potential dream home. But for Richard and Al, the cavernous, oak-beamed building in a sleepy hamlet in the Limousin region of France is perfect.

Tussles with French bureaucracy and fierce storms do little to dampen their resolve as they immerse themselves in this quiet corner of France. Told by a well-intentioned if often hapless do-it-yourselfer, Richard’s hilarious and heartwarming tale of a new life in France resounds to the Gallic refrain, ‘Bon courage!’
The Little Book for Crystal Lovers

The Little Book for Crystal Lovers


Astrid Carvel

Price and format

Curate the ultimate crystal collection and bring harmony to mind, body and spirit with this modern guide to these enchanting stones

They’re striking, precious and have long been prized for their beauty, but have you ever tapped into the extraordinary magic of crystals?

The grand powers attributed to these little stones are infinite, and this book is here to help enhance your everyday life by revealing the practical and spiritual benefits each crystal has to offer. Crystals can bring positivity and prosperity into your life, and the easy-to-follow information in this book offers guidance on choosing the right crystal for your needs and harnessing their awesome healing energies.

This is the ideal guide for ardent and aspiring crystal lovers alike. Discover how to make the most of your collection with simple tips on the best methods of cleansing, charging and storing your crystals. Featuring detailed crystal profiles complete with beautiful colour photos and key information on dozens of stones – from their identifiable features to their unique energies – these pages contain everything you need to know to feel the full force of these natural treasures.



Ali Clarke

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Digital (deliver electronic)

Capturing the discipline, the anguish, the fortitude and the joy that are all key elements of training for and competing in a triathlon, these stunning photographs showcase one of the world’s fastest growing sports. Includes inspirational and motivational quotes to encourage all triathletes.
How to Survive Being a Doctor

How to Survive Being a Doctor


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

Price and format

What seems to be the problem?

Your job is rewarding, but if you’re going to be faced with the horrors of the human body, you’re going to need survival skills:
Think positively: At least you aren’t suffering from these ailments. Well, not yet…
Reassure yourself: One day you will be able to retire – assuming you survive that long.

This mischievous little book will help see you through your years as a doctor with tongue-in-cheek advice and cheeky illustrations.
How to Survive University

How to Survive University


Tamsin King

Price and format

Tips and ideas to help you survive your uni years, from freshers week to final exams

You’ve been waiting for the time you head off to university since you started school and now that you’ve got the grades (well done!), and a place on your chosen course, you’re so close to experiencing student life. Helping you to make the most of your time there, this little book is packed with information and advice, including:

– Household hacks such as how to personalize your room
– Budget tips for making that student loan go further
– Studying tips – from note-taking to ways to beat exam stress
– DIY ideas for all your fancy-dress needs.
Whether your passion is society life, drinking shots or studying, your university experience will hold both new adventures and fresh challenges. This guide is packed with tips to help you survive and thrive at uni, from pulling an all-nighter in the library to an all-nighter at the club.

It’s time to wave goodbye to free home-cooked meals and say hello to freedom!
World's Most Dangerous Jobs

World's Most Dangerous Jobs


Paula Reid

Price and format

When you’re stuck at your desk day after day, do you find yourself daydreaming about a glamorous occupation, such as a racing driver, an astronaut or a stunt double? The adrenaline rush and prestige of these extreme jobs is one thing, but have you ever considered the practicalities?

This compelling book unravels the mysteries and exposes the pitfalls of the world’s most dangerous jobs, giving a fascinating insight into the working lives of those who regularly stare death in the face rather than the usual mounds of paperwork.

You’ll be prepped and ready to live life on the edge!

Paula Reid has completed 92 things on her list of things to do before she dies, including sailing around the world, walking on hot coals, paddling the Mekong and the Thames, and diving with great white sharks! She is also a successful coach and leadership trainer, with testimonials from numerous multinational companies. She lives in London.
Foul-Mouthed Pets

Foul-Mouthed Pets


Mark Leigh, Mike Lepine

Price and format

Digital (deliver electronic)
Oh dear. It seems that our furry friends have picked up some very bad language –just what exactly do those vets say to our pets in the consulting room when we’re not there?

From gutter-mouthed guppies to Fidos that say ‘f***!’, Foul-Mouthed Pets combines comical and cute photos with inappropriate captions to tickle the belly of animal lovers everywhere.
Help! I Want to Give Up Smoking

Help! I Want to Give Up Smoking


Claire Richardson

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Other Formats
Other formats available
These books are practical, light-hearted approaches to the very serious business of giving up smoking, getting fit, understanding computers and starting one’s own company.
The Joy of Football

The Joy of Football


Johnny Morgan

Price and format

This pocket-sized miscellany, packed with fascinating facts, amusing anecdotes and captivating stories and quotes from the world of football, is perfect for anyone who knows the incomparable joy of the beautiful game.
Keep on Running

Keep on Running


Phil Hewitt

Price and format

Marathons make you miserable, but they also give you the most unlikely and the most indescribable pleasures. It’s a world that I love – a world unlocked when you dress up in lycra, put plasters on your nipples and run 26.2 miles in the company of upwards of 30,000 complete strangers. Phil Hewitt, who has completed over 25 marathons in conditions ranging from blistering heat to snow and ice, distils his personal experiences into a light-hearted account of his adventures along the way from Berlin to New York, and explores our growing fascination with marathon running. This story of an ordinary guy’s addiction to running marathons – an addiction hundreds of thousands share – looks at the highs and lows, the motivation that keeps you going when your body is crying out to stop, and tries to answer the ultimate question, ‘Why do you do it?’
Outrageous Fibs We Tell the Kids

Outrageous Fibs We Tell the Kids


Charlie Ellis

Price and format

Remember all the small falsehoods you were told as a child, from carrots helping you see in the dark to Santa checking up on your behaviour all year round? This book will guarantee laughs as you reminisce on the bizarre tales your younger self believed. And if you now have your own little rascals to look after, it might provide you with some invaluable lies for when you want them to behave. Sometimes it’s the only way!
The Retirement Puzzle Book

The Retirement Puzzle Book


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

This collection of verbal and visual challenges will help you stay sharp and stimulated as you embark on a new chapter in life

Retirement is incredibly rich with possibilities – it’s just a question of how to fill all that free time. Well, now that you’ve earned many an hour of peaceful freedom, how about a puzzle or two to prove you’re still as clever as you always were?

From quick-fire trivia questions to more leisurely crosswords and sudoku, whether you’re a recent retiree, approaching the big day or have been enjoying your freedom for years, there’s plenty in these pages to keep you busy and set your mind purring.

Inside you will find a rich variety of puzzles for all tastes, including these:

– Find a whole new set of hobbies within a raft of word searches

– Spot the differences between various comical scenarios you might find yourself in

– Shuffle a bunch of anagrams to locate some objects that could come in handy

– Tackle the pictorial problems posed by a variety of rebus puzzles
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