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Search Results for: Mind Body and Spirit

Showing 97-120 of 146 results for Mind Body and Spirit

It's OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes)

It's OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes)


Sam Cooper

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A supportive guide filled with actionable tips and advice to help you when you’re feeling low

We all feel like sh*t sometimes, and that’s OK. Whether you’re struggling with low mood, self-esteem issues or a more serious mental health condition, it’s important to know that what you’re experiencing is nothing to be afraid or ashamed of.

Packed with kind words and thoughtful advice, this informative guide is here to help you make sense of your feelings. With a breakdown of the most common causes of low mood, from work-related stress to clinical depression, this book teaches you how to recognize these issues and provides helpful tips on how to cope with them.

Topics covered include:
– Anxiety, stress and depression
– Self-care and mindfulness
– How to talk about your mental health
– Where to seek professional help

It’s OK to Feel Sh*t (Sometimes) will help you gain a deeper understanding of your mental health and leave you feeling better equipped to deal with whatever’s getting you down, so you can take those next steps.
Man Down

Man Down


Charlie Hoare

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How often do you put on a ‘coping’ front, when in reality you’re troubled with insecurities and anxieties?

Do you find it difficult to open up about how you’re feeling?

You might be surprised to learn that you are not alone, and that many men find it challenging to talk about their worries.

From tips on how to reach out, to advice on navigating mental health issues, this volume is full of guidance on how to look out for your well-being. Topics covered include:

– Anxiety and depression
– Stress
– Suicidal thoughts
– Dealing with traditional gender expectations
– Self-care and mindfulness methods
– How to open up and communicate
– Where to seek help
With personal experiences and insights, this book will improve your awareness of mental health, offer tools and techniques to enable you to manage it better, and help you to live a happier, healthier life.
My Happiness Tracker

My Happiness Tracker


Anna Barnes

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Whether you’re looking to boost your mood, document your daily habits or foster a more positive outlook, this journal is the perfect place to start

Discover the habits that help or hinder your happiness with this easy-to-use journal. Offering simple ways to track your lifestyle, boost positivity and achieve long-lasting happiness, this handy little book will have a big impact on your well-being and keep you smiling all year round.

You’ll find a variety of interactive pages where you can record your happiness journey month by month, including:
– Your sleep, hydration and diet habits
– The best methods to boost your happiness levels
– Your monthly goals and ambitions
– Tips to help you stay on track 365 days a year
– The little things to be grateful for

You can learn a lot from your habits, and spending just a few minutes on your journal each day will help you maintain a sunnier outlook on life.
My Shadow Work Workbook

My Shadow Work Workbook


Summersale Publishers

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Acknowledge your feelings and their origins, heal your wounds and understand who you truly are through the cathartic process of shadow work in this beautifully curated workbook

The idea of the “shadow” was first developed by psychologist Carl Jung in the twentieth century. He described the shadow as the disowned aspects of our personalities that we either subconsciously or intentionally repress.

This book will help you explore your life from all angles and shed light on its darker parts so that you can become your most authentic self. Via guided exercises and easy-to-follow advice you will discover:

– What shadow work is and why you should use it
– What the essential techniques of the therapy are and how you can apply them to your daily life
– How to connect with repressed experiences and difficult emotions, and challenge your inner critic
– How to love yourself unapologetically and move on from negative past experiences

It’s time to illuminate all aspects of yourself, to help you heal from past experiences and live a life that’s full of light.
The Confidence Fix

The Confidence Fix


Debbi Marco

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Embrace your inner confidence and unleash your full potential with this simple guide to boosting your self-esteem.

Confidence isn’t something we are born with, but instead is a skill that can be learned and developed over time. Filled with inspiring statements and practical activities, The Confidence Fix is a gentle and encouraging guide on how to grow your self-assurance.

By working through the prompts and exercises in this workbook, you will be able to find your inner strength, develop your resilience and build your self-belief. With inspirational quotes and space for personal reflections, this beautiful and powerful workbook is here to encourage daily self-care and personal growth.

With the help of this book, you will learn to:
– Advocate for yourself, both in the workplace and at home
– Love yourself and what makes you unique
– Manage your worries and stresses
– Celebrate all your achievements

Whether you’re struggling with imposter syndrome, have a fear of failure or simply lack the confidence to pursue your goals, this book will guide you to overcome these challenges and have the courage to achieve your dreams.
Believe and Achieve

Believe and Achieve


Edgar Chekera

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Live life in colour

Throughout history, inspirational people of colour have fought against all odds for the right to be their unique selves. This collection of wise words from amazing icons is here to remind you to be yourself boldly and reach for your dreams unapologetically.
My Daily Gratitude Journal

My Daily Gratitude Journal


Summersdale Publishers

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Invite positivity and appreciation into your life with this guided journal for practising gratitude

Gratitude plays an important role in boosting self-esteem, reducing stress and improving your overall well-being, but it’s not always easy to find time for. Happily, this journal is here to be your daily reminder to focus on the good things in life.

My Daily Gratitude Journal is the perfect space for you to record everything that brings you joy. With beautiful journal pages and thoughtful prompts, it contains everything you need to help you look at your life through a more positive lens. There’s also a helpful introduction to gratitude with information on why it’s an important practice and how it can positively impact your life.

Give yourself a gratitude break each day to remind yourself of everything you’re grateful for, whether it’s your family and friends, your health, your favourite TV show or even the weather. Once you get started, you’ll be amazed by just how much there is to appreciate.
It's OK to Talk

It's OK to Talk


Sam Cooper

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A supportive guide filled with actionable tips and advice to open up the conversation around men’s mental health

The most powerful thing we can do to support our mental health is to talk about it

For all of us, our mental health is just as important as our physical health – so why do we feel so ashamed to talk about it? It’s time to end the stigma and the silence around mental health, and this clear, approachable guide is here to show you how.

From tips on navigating mental-health issues to advice on reaching out to others, this book is packed with guidance on how to look out for your well-being – as well as how you can help those around you.
Topics covered include:
– Anxiety, stress and depression
– Suicidal thoughts
– Self-care and mindfulness methods
– How to open up and communicate
– Where to seek further advice

With practical tips and valuable insights, this book will improve your awareness of mental health, offer tools and techniques to enable you to manage it better, and empower you to live a happier, healthier life.
F*ck Stress

F*ck Stress


Alex Martin

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Do you feel stressed?

Does your anxiety get in the way of life?

Are you ready for change?

It’s time to transform yourself from a worrier to a warrior! This no-nonsense guide will help you explore what is actually causing you stress and reprogramme your brain to cope positively and rationally with what life throws at you.

Packed with easy-to-follow advice, useful tips and empowering statements, this essential stress-busting toolkit will help you master your own thoughts and confidently give stress the middle finger.
F*ck Worry

F*ck Worry


Alex Martin

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50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage the Menopause

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage the Menopause


Wendy Green

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Do you think you might be going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT and unsure which natural alternatives are effective?

Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple lifestyle and dietary changes and DIY natural therapies.

• Ease hot flushes and reduce the risks associated with menopause
• Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices
• Discover how to beat middle-age spread and look younger
• Find helpful organisations and products
Fly Without Fear

Fly Without Fear


Keith Godfrey, Alison Smith

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Do you have a deep-rooted fear of flying, or would you simply like to be more relaxed when you get on a plane? In this informative and accessible guide, veteran airline pilot Captain Keith Godfrey and psychologist Dr Alison Smith welcome you aboard and take you through everything from take-off to touchdown, helping you to feel more confident and at ease when journeying by air. Many of the questions that trouble nervous flyers are addressed; for example:

• What is turbulence?
• Why are there so many unusual noises during a flight, and what are they?
• How does an aircraft stay in the air?
• What happens if an engine fails?
• How effective are air traffic controllers?



Wendy Green

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Do you think you might be going through the menopause? Are you confused by conflicting advice about HRT? Or are you unsure which natural alternatives are effective? In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains common physical and psychological symptoms and offers a holistic approach to help you deal with them, including simple dietary and lifestyle changes and DIY complementary therapies. Find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope with the menopause, including:
Ease hot flushes and reduce the risks associated with menopause Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices Discover how to beat middle-age spread and look younger Find helpful organisations and products
Stress Less

Stress Less


Jasmin Kirkbride

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When people tell you to chill out or stop worrying, do you wish they would just shut up?
Because if it was that easy, you’d do it, right?
You are not alone, and there is a way to tackle your stress. Packed with tips, suggestions and quotes, this book will help give you the strength to beat the what-ifs and worries and
Stress Less

Stress Less


Hannah Bowstead

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With practical tips and soothing affirmations, enjoy a sense of peace wherever the day takes you with the calming influence of this beautiful book

As our lives become increasingly busy, it may feel like stress is controlling you, rather than the other way around. Stress Less will help you to take back control and tackle your worries head-on by introducing lasting and positive changes in the form of simple calming techniques and handy tips to ease your everyday stresses.

Guiding you to create a trouble-free mindset, inside this book you will find:
– How to practise mindfulness to ground yourself
– Ways to introduce self-care and regular “me” time
– Fun ways to spend time in nature in order to experience its calming influence
– Actionable tips to wind down before bed to ensure a good, restful night’s sleep

Stress Less also includes powerful affirmations and mantras that can motivate and inspire you. Pause to find calm in the everyday with this handy guide.
100 Tips to Help You Through the Menopause

100 Tips to Help You Through the Menopause


Wendy Green

Price and format

Menopause isn’t always an easy journey, but this accessible guide will help you to take your next steps with confidence. With wide-ranging and practical advice for every experience, including simple lifestyle and dietary changes you can make today, find out how to:

– Find relief from hot flushes
– Boost your mental outlook and feel more positive
– Reduce the health risks associated with menopause
– Discover how to beat middle-aged spread and look younger
– Learn the truth about HRT and make informed choices
– Look to a positive future postmenopause
Help Your Child Manage Their Moods

Help Your Child Manage Their Moods


Louise Baty

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Learn to talk to your child about their big feelings

We can all feel overwhelmed by big feelings, and this is especially true for children. They are still developing their emotional awareness and may struggle to manage their moods. While there’s nothing wrong with an emotionally sensitive child, it can make life a little more difficult for them if they become easily frustrated, cry more readily and experience low self-esteem and feelings of powerlessness. This guide will teach you the skills to nurture your child’s ability to notice, regulate and articulate their feelings in healthy, adaptive ways.

– Instil good sleeping and eating habits
– Help your child create a list of calming actions for when they feel angry or upset
– Introduce simple relaxation exercises
– Know when to seek support
How to Unplug

How to Unplug


Ross Dickinson

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Get Your Life Back.
Do you feel like a slave to your smartphone? 
Are you constantly glued to a screen?
If it seems like you’ve become a technology junkie, there’s help at hand. This sanity-saving collection of ideas and inspiration will motivate you to switch off your gadgets and get more out of life. Full of imaginative suggestions to help you unwind, recharge and reconnect with the world and people around you, How to Unplug is a handbook for refreshing yourself in the digital age.



Wendy Green

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In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how food intolerances, gut infections, bacterial imbalance, stress and hormones contribute to IBS, and offers practical advice and a holistic approach to help you deal with the symptoms. From simple dietary and lifestyle changes to DIY complementary therapies, find out 50 things you can do today to help you cope
with IBS, including:

Identify your IBS triggers and learn how to manage them

Choose beneficial foods and supplements

Manage stress and relax to reduce flare-ups

Learn which types of exercise can help to relieve symptoms

Find helpful organisations and products
How to De-Stress

How to De-Stress


Anna Barnes

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Achieve the relief you need

All of us deal with stress in our daily lives, but the good news is that we can actually do something about it. This book of easy-to-follow tips gives you the tools and techniques you need to understand what’s stressing you and reshape the way you respond. Find out how to:
– Handle the pressures of your workplace
– Bring greater balance to your home life
– Fine-tune your diet to increase your resilience
– Boost your well-being through exercise
– Feel calmer by using relaxation techniques
50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Insomnia

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Insomnia


Wendy Green

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Good quality sleep is vital for well-being, yet one in ten adults in the UK experience sleep problems at some point in their lives, affecting mood and general health. Are you one of them?

• Discover how your night-time routine can aid restful sleep
• Make your bedroom conducive to sleep
• Choose beneficial foods and supplements



Wendy Green

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In this easy-to-follow book, Wendy Green explains how psychological, genetic and dietary factors can contribute to anxiety, and offers practical advice and a holistic approach

to help you deal with the symptoms. From simple dietary and lifestyle changes to DIY complementary therapies, find out 50 things you can do today, including:
– Replace negative thoughts and behaviour with positive ones
– Manage stress and relax to reduce symptoms
– Choose beneficial foods and supplements
– Find helpful organisations and products
50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress

50 Things You Can Do Today to Manage Stress


Wendy Green

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Are you one of the 12 million people in the UK regularly affected by stress? In this reassuring and easy-to-follow book, find out 50 things you can do today to help you manage stress, such as identifying your stress triggers and learning how to manage them, choosing beneficial foods and supplements, and reducing stress through aromatherapy and therapeutic massage. This title is presented with a foreword by Jenny Edwards, Vice Chair of the International Stress Management Association UK and Editor of Stress News.
She Believed She Could So She Did

She Believed She Could So She Did


Sunny Fungcap

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Made with melanin and magic

There is no one quite like you. Your strengths are unique and your future is full of wonder. It’s time to tap in to your confidence and express your true self boldly.

This little book is packed with empowering words from women of colour whose self-belief has seen them achieve awesome things. From Wilma Rudolph and Lupita Nyong’o to Ida B. Wells and Malala Yousafzai, these inspiring icons will help you love yourself a little more and own your story.
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