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Search Results for: Lifestyle

Showing 913-936 of 1274 results for Lifestyle

Inspiration and Motivation for Artists

Inspiration and Motivation for Artists


Maya Goldsworthy

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‘To be an artist is to believe in life.’
Henry Moore
This colourful little book of uplifting quotes and tailored tips delivers motivational sparks and creative signposts for artists. Read it, doodle in it, turn it into an inspirational collage – whatever you do it, the aim is simple: to get you creating art!
Life Hacks for Dads

Life Hacks for Dads


Dan Marshall

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Do you aspire to master the art of the perfect burger?
To make DIY disasters a thing of the past?
To discover ingenious ways to keep the kids entertained and make cleaning up after them a breeze?
LIFE HACKS FOR DADS is your handy guide to making your daily life that little bit easier. This fully illustrated manual covers everything from keeping your car door wonderfully dent-free to perfecting your Frisbee throw, and much, much more.
The Little Book of Sex Facts

The Little Book of Sex Facts


Sadie Cayman

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Show off your sexpertise with this little book of titillating truths

Having sex is great, and learning about it is too! Discover everything you wished you knew about sex with this pocket-sized cum-pendium of mind-blowing facts. Whether you want to impress your friends or learn some new moves, this book equips you with everything you need to become a certified sexpert.

Sex is often discussed in hushed tones, but this candid collection of facts pulls no punches. So prepare yourself for a wild ride as this no-holds-barred book answers all the questions you were too afraid to ask.

Did you know…
– Wearing socks can increase a woman’s chances of having an orgasm.
– A single sperm contains 37.5 MB of DNA information – this means that one ejaculation has the data capacity of 62 laptops!
– Half an hour of sex is said to burn between 85 and 200 calories (the equivalent to 15 minutes on a treadmill).

Discover all this and much more! From funny to filthy, this book contains hundreds of jaw-dropping facts that will leave you shocked and amazed.
How to Read the Universe

How to Read the Universe


Astrid Carvel

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Discover the ancient language of the universe, decipher its messages and unravel its mysteries – all you need is this book and your own intuitive powers

Has a song ever popped into your head only for you to hear it on the radio a minute later? Does the same sequence of numbers follow you wherever you go? This could be more than a coincidence. The universe is always pointing you in the right direction – all you have to do is heed its whispers.

Filled with advice and inspiration, this book will be your essential guide to reading the universe. Complete with fill-in sections to chronicle your experiences, learn how to:

– Ask for and manifest guidance from the universe

– Interpret common signs, synchronicities and their meanings

– Unlock your unconscious and reconnect with your inner voice

It’s time to discover your true path and find magic and meaning in the everyday. The cosmos is ready and waiting to guide you in your endeavours.
The Zodiac Kama Sutra

The Zodiac Kama Sutra


Lydia Levine

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What if the secret to out-of-this-world sex was written in the stars? Uncover your perfect positions, playmates and pleasures with this celestial guide to sexuality

The phenomenal power of the zodiac can enhance many areas of your life, and that includes the bedroom. Whether you’re searching for toe-tingling new positions or a passionate partner who’ll broaden your horizons, astrology can guide you towards the perfect intimate experience for your specific needs.

Inspired by the ancient Indian text itself, The Zodiac Kama Sutra is a pocket-sized guide to having the best sex according to your astrological sign. Inside you will find:

– An introduction to the 12 signs of the zodiac and the meanings of the sun, rising and moon signs
– An overview of each sign’s unique sexual desires, appetites and compatibilities
– Tantalizing tips and positions that align with each sign’s individual personality traits

So whether you’re a lustful Leo or a playful Pisces, dive into this little book and see your sex life soar to celestial heights.
For the Love of Trains

For the Love of Trains


Ray Hamilton

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Do you know…
What are the most unusual things left behind by passengers on British trains? How China is using trains to recreate the ancient Silk Road? How many of the sixty Sherlock Holmes stories feature travel by rail? The appeal of trains travels far and wide. More than just a means of transport, these revolutionary machines connect communities, evoke memories and promise adventures galore. This fact-packed miscellany tracks their development across the globe from the earliest steam locomotives through to the superfast trains of today, stopping off along the way to explore great railway journeys, iconic stations and memorable depictions in the arts. Whether you’re a rail aficionado or a curious newcomer, this companion will keep you engrossed and entertained to the end of the line.
Calm in Your Pocket

Calm in Your Pocket


Anna Barnes

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Take a little calm with you wherever you go
Filled with practical tips, life-affirming statements and helpful suggestions for soothing activities, this beautiful pocket-sized book will help you to feel more at ease in the world and better equipped to deal with the things that really matter.
Bodie on the Road

Bodie on the Road


Belinda Jones

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Bodie was on death row in a Los Angeles shelter, having been abandoned by his owner. Belinda was in a heap on the floor of her vintage apartment, having been dumped by the man of her dreams. Two lost souls ready to find a new life.
Together they embark on a 2,000-mile West Coast road trip taking in spectacular Big Sur, a pack run in the wilds of Oregon, afternoon tea at Doris Day’s dog-loving hotel in Carmel, a fragrant encounter with the creator of Kennel No.5 furfume and a bar stop in a small town near San Francisco where a dog was elected mayor, two years running…
Join Belinda and Bodie on this soul-searching adventure along one of the most iconic highways in America and you too will feel the wind in your hair and a wag in your tail.
Super Cats

Super Cats


Ashley Morgan

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Discover the true tales of extraordinary felines with this heart-warming and inspirational collection, perfect for fans of A Streetcat Named Bob and Nala’s World

Meet some of the world’s most incredible real-life cat heroes in this awesome compendium of true stories, including:
– Scarlett, the brave mother who went into a burning building five times to rescue her kittens.
– Emily, the cat who survived an epic journey across the Atlantic trapped in a shipping container from America to France.
– Oscar, the care-home cat who predicts when residents are about to pass on and comforts them in their final hours.

Whether they’re testing the boundaries of their nine lives or demonstrating unusual talents, cats are always full of surprises. In Super Cats, prepare to meet the most surprising of all.

From loyal companions who put their lives at risk to help others to intuitive cats who detected danger when no one else did, these extraordinary felines will capture your heart and make you marvel at their astonishing powers.
The Little Book of Karma

The Little Book of Karma


Isabelle Loynes

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Learn how cause and effect can help you shape your destiny with this guide to the principles of karma
What goes around comes around

One kind act can go a long way, and even the smallest deed can have a profound impact. Learn how to tap into the awesome power of karma with this little book, offering everything you need to know about this ancient source of spiritual wisdom.

Discover the basic laws and principles of karma and how to apply them to your life, as well as the simple steps you can take to get you started on your karmic journey. With tips on how to be kinder to the planet, your community and yourself, these pages will help you embrace karma and invite more positivity into every day.

This little book offers all you need to shape your future, encourage positive energy and achieve greater inner peace. You’ll soon find that just a few small acts of kindness and compassion can brighten your outlook and bring balance to your life.
The Little Book of World Mythology

The Little Book of World Mythology


Hannah Bowstead

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Step into a world of gods, heroes and monsters

Throughout history, mythologies have been fundamental to societies and cultures across the world. They are the collected stories of a people – the fascinating folk tales and the epic legends that shape the history and the beliefs of whole civilizations.

This pocket guide offers readers an engaging and accessible introduction to the major world mythologies, exploring their origins, foundational stories and key mythological figures.

Learn how the Greeks won the ten-year Trojan war, how the Norse god Thor got his mighty hammer, and why the Aztecs made a daily human sacrifice to the sun god, Huitzilopochtli.

If you’re looking to enrich and expand on your understanding of world history, religion and culture, then this book is an ideal starting point to fill your mind with stories of wisdom and wonder.

Discover the captivating stories behind the following mythologies: Aboriginal, Aztec, Celtic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Hindu, Incan, Japanese, Maori, Mayan, Mesopotamian, Norse, Roman.
The Little Box of Positivity

The Little Box of Positivity


Summersdale Publishers

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One positive thought can change your whole day

The right words at the right time can do wonders to lift your mood. This deck of 52 cards is full of sunny thoughts, kind words and little pick-me-ups that can be displayed anywhere to brighten your day and remind you that life is good.

16.5 x 11 cm, 52 cards, plus card stand and booklet.
The Little Book of Manifestation

The Little Book of Manifestation


Astrid Carvel

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It’s time to start changing your life

The universe is ready to give you what you want, if you’re willing to make the right moves. Whether you dream of improving your health, career, finances or love life, the powerful practice of manifestation may just hold the key.
This beginner’s guide is here to explain what manifesting is, how it works, and the simple steps you can take to get started. Based on the law of attraction and the principle of visualization, the core methods and techniques in this book will help you identify and progress towards your goals, and maintain the momentum once you get going.

Bring your aspirations into being and cultivate positive energy in all areas of your life by embracing and absorbing these insights:
– Learn what manifestation is and isn’t, and how it calls for your commitment
– Discover the history of manifestation, how it has evolved and why it’s become so popular
– Find out how to tailor manifestation practices to land a dream job, find your soulmate or nurture your physical well-being
– Understand the value of the concepts of intention, vibration and visualization
– Grasp the meanings and methods behind common manifesting phrases such as “ask, believe, receive” and “ask the universe”
One Man and a Narrowboat

One Man and a Narrowboat


Steve Haywood

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If I’d really been serious about getting to grips with my mid-life crisis, then I’d have been better opting for a course of therapy than going off travelling. Or if I had to travel, I’d have been better opting for somewhere warm with a beach…

In an attempt to get to grips with a BIG birthday, Steve sets out from Oxford to explore what makes the English… well, so English. His quirky humour is inspired by Tom Rolt, who took to the canals on a similar journey immortalised in the book ‘Narrow Boat’, kick-starting the revival of Britain’s waterways. Prepare for a generous helping of mayhem, mishaps and the staple of every English summer: torrential rain. First published as ‘Fruit Flies Like a Banana’ this revised edition with new material is published to coincide with the 70-year anniversary of Tom Rolt’s own classic trip.
The Moon Almanac

The Moon Almanac


Judith Hurrell

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When can you spot the Hunter’s Moon, a Smiling Moon or a Pink Moon?

How can the phases of the moon help your garden grow?

What influence does the moon have on hamsters, coral and skylarks?

Navigate the rhythms of the night sky with this evocative collection of poetry, prose and precious wisdom. Illuminating the moon’s influence on the natural world and its depiction in folklore and the arts, this guide will open your eyes to the wonders of our brightest celestial neighbour.
The Little Book of Personality Psychology

The Little Book of Personality Psychology


Esther Grant

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Unlock the secrets of human behaviour and explore the thoughts, motivations and perspectives of the people around you in this beginner’s guide to personality psychology

If you have ever wondered what makes us who we are, then you are not alone. The reasons behind why we think the way we do have captured the minds of philosophers and scientists for hundreds of years, leading to the development of one of the largest branches of psychology: personality psychology.

Personality psychology examines our personalities and considers how they develop and vary from person to person. In this pocket-sized guide, you will discover the forces that influence our personalities, and in turn how our personality influences our actions.

In this accessible introduction, you will learn about:

· Theories and key thinkers who have pioneered the study of personality
· The different personality tests and what they tell us about people’s minds
· Personality disorders and how they can impact our daily lives

From Maslow to Jung, and Freud to Darwin, this fascinating little book is a perfect guide to personality psychology, for both novices and experts alike. Delve in and uncover the secrets of our minds and innermost selves.
One Love

One Love


Summersale Publishers

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Celebrate the beauty and diversity of love within the LGBTQ+ community with these heart-warming quotes and statements

Love is for everyone and should be shared and celebrated. It is a universal experience that transcends boundaries, gender and sexuality. Show your special someone how important they are to you with this diverse selection of thoughtful words. When you can’t find the words to express how much you love them, these heartfelt statements and beautiful quotes are the perfect way to show them how you feel. This book is a wonderful gift for the love in your life, whether you want to revel in the bliss of first love, celebrate a long-term relationship, or express your feelings for someone new.

This enchanting book is filled with sweet affirmations that show your love, such as:
– Let your love shine brightly
– Love is between two souls, not two genders
– True love knows no bounds

Be proud of your love and love with everything you have. As this little book shows, love is the most powerful thing in the world.
The Little Book of Reiki

The Little Book of Reiki


Stephanie Drane

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Discover the benefits of reiki with this beginner’s guide to what it is and how you can introduce the technique into your daily routine for a healthier, happier life

Reiki is a Japanese complementary therapy with the aim of bringing balance and well-being to the body, mind and spirit. Drawing on the energy of the universe, it seeks to direct and apply this life force to restore health and harmony in the individual.

Within these pages, you will find everything you need to know about this holistic healing practice, including:
– The history and etymology of reiki
– The five principles to live by
– What chakras are and how they are used in reiki
– How to set intentions and use visualization
– Techniques and exercises to practise self-reiki

Step into the world of reiki and find out how you can tap into the energy around you and use it to nurture and nourish yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.
From Source to Sea

From Source to Sea


Tom Chesshyre

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Over the years, authors, artists and amblers aplenty have felt the pull of the Thames, and now travel writer Tom Chesshyre is following in their footsteps.

He’s walking the length of the river from the Cotswolds to the North Sea – a winding journey of over two hundred miles. Join him for an illuminating stroll past meadows, churches and palaces, country estates and council estates, factories and dockyards. Setting forth in the summer of Brexit, and meeting a host of interesting characters along the way, Chesshyre explores the living present and remarkable past of England’s longest and most iconic river.
The Big Walks of the North

The Big Walks of the North


David Bathurst

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From the Great Glen Way to the Coast to Coast Path, there is no better way to discover the spectacular diversity of northern Britain’s landscape than on foot. Whether you enjoy exploring green and gently rolling dales or tackling rugged mountain paths, there are walks here to keep you rambling all year round.

An indefatigable walker, David Bathurst has unlaced his boots to produce this invaluable and definitive companion to the ten best-loved long-distance footpaths in the north of Britain, with each split into manageable sections. Combining practical, detailed descriptions with an appreciation of the beauty and history of the British countryside, this in an indispensable guide for both experienced and novice walkers alike.
Get Fit While You Sit

Get Fit While You Sit


Taylor Spencer

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Digital (deliver electronic)
Take control of your fitness from the convenience of your desk! This easy-to-follow guide includes exercises to strengthen and stretch your body throughout the day.
The average office worker spends between four and nine hours at their desk each day. Couple this with the fact that health issues such as heart disease, obesity, joint problems and depression are linked to lack of exercise, and you’ll see why getting fit and healthy has never been so important.
Perfect for people who spend extended time sitting at a desk or have mobility issues, Get Fit While You Sit aims to provide a head-to-toe workout that’s achievable from your chair. It contains exercises that focus on strengthening and stretching specific parts of the body, while also promoting other healthy habits, such as deeper, more focused breathing.
Inside you’ll find:
Step-by-step instructions for exercising your whole body Simple graphics to illustrate each exercise Tips on how to sit with a good posture Breathing techniques to help you relax and reduce tension
The Mermaid Cookbook

The Mermaid Cookbook


Alix Carey

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Make waves in your kitchen and create a feast fit for a mermaid

Dive into this magical under-the-sea adventure and bring the mysterious mermaids to life in this shimmering cookbook filled with pearls and sparkles. Whether you want to build a Sandcastle Cake, bake Turtle Waffles, concoct Jam Clams or create a Sealicious Smoothie, The Mermaid Cookbook is packed with recipes perfect for parties and times when you want to mermaze your guests.
Pocket Commando Dad

Pocket Commando Dad


Neil Sinclair

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Let training commence

Attention! In your hand is an indispensable pocket-sized training manual for new dads. Written by ex-Commando and father of three Neil Sinclair, this no-nonsense guide will teach you everything you need to know to prepare for your biggest mission yet: parenthood. With step-by-step advice and Commando Dad Top Tips, this book will ensure you’re ready to parent with military precision.

Learn how to:
– Prepare base camp for your baby trooper’s arrival
– Survive the first 24 hours
– Establish feeding and sleeping routines
– Pack a survival kit for everything from light missions to long-term deployments
– Transport the troops successfully on manoeuvres
– Treat ailments and injuries with basic first-aid training
– Keep base camp tidy and square away tasks along the way
– Maintain morale in the ranks
And much, much more.

Designed to be used in the field from birth to 12 months, this resource provides the foundation to all the practical skills needed to become the ultimate protector to your newest trooper. As used by Prince William himself, this is the go-to training manual for fatherhood recruits!
Help! I Want to Work For Myself

Help! I Want to Work For Myself


Charles Ryder

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These books are practical, light-hearted approaches to the very serious business of giving up smoking, getting fit, understanding computers and starting one’s own company.
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