Search Results for: Gift and Humour

Showing 1-24 of 470 results for Gift and Humour

A Gift of Love

A Gift of Love


Tilly Lane

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‘We are, each of us, angels with only one wing; and we can only fly by embracing one another’ Luciano De Crescenzo 
‘Life is a flower of which love is the honey’ Victor Hugo

Charm your loved one with this beautifully designed gift book filled with carefully selected romantic words from classic and contemporary authors to show how much you care.
Love Vouchers

Love Vouchers


Summersdale Publishers

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Pamper someone you love with this sweet book of vouchers containing romantic gestures, from breakfast in bed to a dreamy weekend away – it’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Sex Vouchers

Sex Vouchers


Summersdale Publishers

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A titillating book of 32 sexy vouchers for lovers to get you both hot under the collar!

Provoke squeals of delight from your amour with this deliciously naughty book of vouchers containing saucy gestures and ideas, from a seductive massage to a lap dance.

If you’re looking for that special gift for your favourite someone for Valentine’s, a birthday, or “just because”, then look no further than this steamy selection of vouchers from the oh-so-cute to the downright dirty!

Why not offer to greet your lover with nothing but a smile or perhaps engage in a bit of al fresco friskiness? Maybe you’re a dinner-by-candlelight kind of couple… or is a seductive massage more your thing? Or how about talking dirty or joining the mile-high club?

Flirt the night away, get hot and heavy, and then come back for more!

It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
Welcome to Parenthood

Welcome to Parenthood


Summersdale Publishers

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You’ve created a human alarm clock without a snooze button!

Welcome to the life-upending, sleep-thieving, crazy old business known as parenthood. The hours are long and the pay is non-existent, but the rewards are priceless. They better be.

You’re in for quite a ride, but this hilarious gift book is here to tell it like it is, respect the struggle and help you see the funny side. A blend of real talk, hard-won wisdom and relatable observations, this is the perfect antidote to all those well-meaning myths about the unbelievable journey that you and your little one have just begun.

The realizations that are going to dawn on you pretty fast include:

– Just think, in a couple of years that little angel will be calling you a poo-head.
– Despite all the boundaries you set, sometimes you are going to have to let the baby win.
– Your biggest daily achievement is now getting another human to burp.
This is the perfect gift for anyone with a new baby and a sense of humour.
Old Age for Beginners

Old Age for Beginners


Clive Whichelow, Ian Baker

Price and format

It’s time to embrace the slower pace!

There’s no denying it – you’re OLD, but that comes with a lot of perks. You can say the most outrageous things and somehow get away with it. You can dress however you damn well please. And after learning from so many mistakes, you’re now as wise as you are wizened. It’s your time to recline, and this hilarious book will show you how it’s done.
Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up

Growing Old Doesn't Mean Growing Up


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins, Ian Baker, Ian Baker

Price and format

See the funny side of ageing with this collection of amusing observations, silly suggestions and humorous illustrations – the perfect gift for any birthday girl or boy with more than a few candles on their cake

So you’re a little bit older. So what? Just because you’re getting on a bit doesn’t mean you have to start acting ancient. The universe is over 13 billion years old, and you’re probably nowhere near that yet – well, not quite anyway.

Frankly, it’s never too early to start enjoying your second childhood, to stop taking life so seriously and to start acting a bit silly again. This book will be your go-to guide for inspiration and merriment while clocking up birthdays like they’re going out of fashion.

Across these pages, you’ll find all kinds of wild recommendations and questionable advice, including:
– Things it’s never too late to do
– Grown-up and less grown-up ways to behave at work
– How to keep up with modern technology
– Ways you can blend in with younger people
– Things you can have tantrums about as you get older

So forget the creaking joints or fleeing follicles and embrace the opportunities for mischief and mirth – after all, growing old doesn’t mean growing up!
Baby Tips for Grandparents

Baby Tips for Grandparents


Simon Brett

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The nine months is up and the new baby is finally here! But what do you do when your darling child calls to ask you to play babysitter?
You’ve been through it all before and then some, but with the help of this quirky little book you’ll be sailing through those unexpected play dates with your nerves and your furniture intact.
With top tips on navigating the new grandparental responsibilities and pithy one-liners about the truths of grandparenting, Baby Tips for Grandparents is the perfect gift for any new nan or grandad.  
How to Survive Retirement

How to Survive Retirement


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins, Kate Rochester

Price and format

Freedom at last! But there’s an awfully long time between cornflakes and cocoa, and a limit to how many sudokus you can do. You need survival skills:

FINANCIAL WIZARDRY: how to get three cups of tea out of one bag.
SPARKLING CONVERSATION: 300 different ways to discuss the weather.

This mischievous little book will help you enjoy your golden years with tongue-in-cheek advice and cheeky illustrations.
The Little Instruction Book for Seniors

The Little Instruction Book for Seniors


Kate Freeman

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Full of senior sagacity and elderly erudition, this hilarious survival guide is on hand to show you that it really is the life in your years that counts

Now that you’re a senior, you’ll come to realize that there is nothing that can’t be fixed by a quick trip to the garden centre, that your “bad back” will reliably get you out of any tricky situation and that it’s now socially acceptable to call anyone younger than you “Dear” rather than remember their actual name. In other words, now the real fun begins!

Encouraging you to laugh, embrace life and enjoy the ride, the pearls of wisdom in this no-nonsense handbook will guide you through all the pleasures and pitfalls of your latter years.

Filled with original illustrations and tongue-in-cheek advice on how to keep those grey cells active and the cobwebs at bay, The Little Instruction Book for Seniors will make the perfect gift for retirees or a milestone birthday.
How to Survive Divorce

How to Survive Divorce


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

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Freedom at last!

The world of singledom, independence and wild abandon beckons! But if you’re going to last out there on your own you’ll need survival skills:

Prepare yourself for: The heady joy of having the whole bed to yourself.

Reassure yourself: If your marriage lasted more than 24 hours, you can tell yourself you made a decent go of it.

This mischievous little book will help to see you through your divorce with tongue-in-cheek advice and hilarious illustrations.
The Little Instruction Book for Retirement

The Little Instruction Book for Retirement


Kate Freeman

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It’s time to celebrate the end of an era – and the start of a whole new one!

Ah, retirement – from here on out it’s all lazy lie-ins, pleasant afternoons in the garden (or the garden centre), long lunches with friends and evenings spent in a comfy chair in front of the fire, right?

Wrong! Welcome to a world where you’re halfway to the office before you realize you don’t work there any more, you somehow seem to have even less free time than before to do all the things you need to do, and suddenly daytime TV seems a whole lot more appealing than it ever used to…

This indispensable handbook, packed with amusing illustrations, is here to guide you through the pleasures and pitfalls of being retired. Most importantly, though, it’ll teach you how to how to make sure you always get a decent afternoon nap.

This book is perfect gift for retirees, offering tongue-in-cheek advice on how to make the most of their new-found freedom.
Retirement for Beginners

Retirement for Beginners


Clive Whichelow

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The future is ours – let’s enjoy it! This hilarious fully illustrated book will help ease you into this strange and perplexing new stage of your life.

After all those years of routine you’re suddenly free! You’re bound to be a bit nervous – it is your first time. No more being bossed about – well, apart from by your other half, of course. No more getting up at the crack of dawn to go to work – though at your age you may have to get up at the crack of dawn anyway to use the loo. No more wage slavery – er, no more wages…

But it’s going to be fine, because you can now do what you want to do – within reason, naturally. Within these pages you’ll discover:

– What your new job as “retiree” involves, the hours (all of them) and the pay (let’s face it, if anyone advertised a job with this salary, no one would take it)
– Conversations you will no longer have to have
– Things you no longer have to feel guilty about
– Pursuits for bored retirees
– Truths that will slowly dawn on you
– Ways to supplement your pension
…and all the other perks (and niggles) that come with your new position (and no, we don’t mean “horizontal on the sofa”).
You're Awesome Because...

You're Awesome Because...


Summersdale Publishers

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… You’re an amazing human being.

… You might be the funniest person alive.

… You’re weird in all the right ways.

This cool book of friendship vouchers is the perfect way to tell your bestie why they’re the greatest.
How to Survive Old Age

How to Survive Old Age


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

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Be yourself and wear your wrinkles proudly with the help of this humorous collection of observations and illustrations on how to survive old age.

For years, you wanted to be treated like a proper adult, but now you’re on a downhill slippery slope to a grand old age and you can’t seem to find the brakes. You need expert survival advice, such as:

– Don’t call anyone under 40 “young man” or “young lady”.
– Do remember where your glasses, keys and wallet are to avoid raised eyebrows from family members.
– Don’t wear a tartan rug over your knees on a car journey.
– Do make an effort to learn all the songs in the top ten.
This mischievous little book will help you enjoy your latter years without worrying about what anyone else thinks. After all, the best things in life are old: vintage wine, golden oldies – you’re now part of an elite club. Enjoy!
What Is Your Baby Really Thinking?

What Is Your Baby Really Thinking?


Sam Hart, Danny Cameron

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The secret’s out!

When you look into your baby’s big, beautiful eyes, it can be hard to know what on earth is going through their curious minds. Well you needn’t wonder any more, because after delving deep into baby psychology we can now reveal the real thoughts behind those adorable pudgy faces.

Find out what they’re really thinking when you blow raspberries on their tum-tum or “steal” their nose, why they particularly enjoy spitting up over your nice clean top, and what that funny expression means when you make them wear “novelty” onesies.



Wilma Fingerfit

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Ditch cross training for crotch straining with this cum-pendium of erotic exercises

Think you can’t f*ck yourself to fitness? This book is here to settle the mass debate. Whether you’re a rookie romper or a seasoned sexpert, these drills are sure to get the juices flowing and keep you trim and toned.

Each of the exercises in this book will help enlarge your love muscles and boost your stamina, and the useful diagrams and simple instructions will guarantee your lovemaking achieves maximum results. Simply find a willing partner and prepare yourselves for some downright dirty antics!

In this book you will find:

– A range of X-rated workouts from beginner bonks to advanced bedroom aerobics
– Guidance on dirty warm-ups and post-climax cool-downs
– A list of essential erotic equipment
– Space to list your achievements and log your lovemaking
Regardless of your gender or sexual orientation, this is the ultimate guide to getting f*cking fit!
How Old?! (for men)

How Old?! (for men)


Summersdale Publishers

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Combining retro photographs with witty captions and quotes, this little book is the perfect way to celebrate becoming Officially Old.
Help! The Grandchildren are Coming

Help! The Grandchildren are Coming


Clive Whichelow, Mike Haskins

Price and format

Knock, knock. Who’s there? The grandchildren.

It’s one of the few phrases guaranteed to fill you with both delight and dread – the grandchildren are coming! Of course you love to see them, but what do you do with them for the next few hours – or even days?

Thankfully, this book is here to guide you through. Choose from a whole host of delights:
– Games old and new
– Magic tricks that even you won’t be able to mess up
– Jokes that will make you the first sit-down stand-up comedian

The hours will fly by and, with any luck, you’ll have just as much fun as they do!
You're Old AF

You're Old AF


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

Have you stopped getting your freak on and started getting your creak on?

Do your hobbies now include ‘napping’, ‘relaxing’ and ‘having a quiet one’? Have you found you’ve more in common with your nan than your peers? It sounds like you’re OLD AF! Get out your fun slippers and sit back with this collection of hilarious quips and too-true quotes for the old at heart.
Tinder Nopes

Tinder Nopes


Holly Dalton

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Put the phone down.
Back away from the Tinder.
Some people should just never be allowed on online dating…
Dating apps were invented to make finding a potential match a breeze – you can do it from the comfort of your own home! In your pyjamas! But for some people, the instant, no-effort-required nature of online dating (and the fact that you can’t get punched in the face for a dodgy chat-up line) brings out their worst side.
From cringeworthy conversation starters to lines that ramp up the rudeness from 0-100 in nanoseconds, the best of the worst ever chat-up fails are collected here for your reading pleasure.
Note: Unfortunately you can’t swipe left on these conversations.
The Little Book of Flirting

The Little Book of Flirting


Sadie Cayman

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Packed with essential advice for everyone from flirting first-timers to anyone looking for some fresh dating inspiration

Whether you choose to treat your flirting talents as a delicate science or simply as a fun way to meet new people, this pocket guide will set you well on your way to charming the socks off anyone you set your sights on.

From chat-up lines and online-dating nopes to first-date ideas and etiquette, these pages will arm you with all the flirting know-how you could ever need, including:

– Tips and tricks to boost your self-confidence before a first date
– How to make a good first impression
– Where to meet like-minded people and how to get noticed
– Non-verbal ways to say “I fancy the pants off you!”
– Charming conversation openers

Delving into the exhilarating world of hook-ups, internet dating and real-life dates, this book is the perfect companion on your journey to becoming a world-class flirt.
Life's Little Instruction Book

Life's Little Instruction Book


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

Remember that everything matters – but nothing matters that much.
Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones and skip your way to the other side.
Life has a habit of surprising us – with joy, with sadness, with anger, with bafflement, and with situations that can fall anywhere along the whole rainbow of human emotion. What we need most often is a simple reminder to help us gain perspective, to provide comfort, companionship, and a compass when we are lost. This book is a treasure trove of powerful, pragmatic advice to help you face life head on, with humour, integrity and kindness, and maybe even to help others along the way too.
The Little Black Book of Chat-up Lines and Flirting

The Little Black Book of Chat-up Lines and Flirting


Jake Harris

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‘You remind me of a parking ticket. You’ve got fine, written all over you.’

Have you ever been surrounded by hotties and stuck for an opening line? From Classic Romantic to Speed Seduction, plus Killer Put-downs and Hot Tips on body language and online dating, this is the only ammunition you’ll need to get started with the opposite sex.
The Little Book of Vaginas

The Little Book of Vaginas


Anna Lou Walker

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Vajayjay. Lady bits. Notorious V.A.G.

It’s time we talked about vaginas. This pocket-sized book is here to debunk the myths and help you gain a better understanding of everything you were never taught, including:
– The amazing things the vagina does from puberty to menopause
– Advice on the most common complaints and how best to alleviate them
– The vagina in pop culture – from the page to the stage

This succinct and celebratory guide separates fact from fiction and will change the way you think and talk about your wonder down under.
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