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Search Results for: Lifestyle

Showing 817-840 of 1274 results for Lifestyle

Grey Skies, Green Waves

Grey Skies, Green Waves


Tom Anderson

Price and format

So this is surfing in Britain, I told myself as I grumpily walked up a slope of wet rocks and wispy beach grass, trying to keep a foothold as rain and wind both tried their utmost to send me skidding back down to the freezing beach below.

Tom Anderson has always loved surfing – anywhere except the UK. But a chance encounter leads him to a series of adventures on home surf… As he visits the popular haunts and secret gems of British surfing he meets the Christians who pray for waves (and get them), loses a competition to a non-existent surfer, is nearly drowned in the River Severn and has a watery encounter with a pedigree sheep. All this rekindles his love affair with the freezing fun that is surfing the North Atlantic.
The Little Book for Wild Swimmers

The Little Book for Wild Swimmers


Laura Silverman

Price and format

Escape the frantic pace of the everyday, reconnect with your wild side and discover the healing power of swimming outdoors

Nature is a balm for both the body and soul – and nothing comes close to the exhilaration of that first stroke in a lake, river or sea. Whether you’ve already taken the plunge or simply want to dip a toe in, this beautiful book is brimming with all the tips and inspiration you need to harness the invigorating benefits of wild swimming.
Within these pages you will discover:

· Why we are drawn to water, how it can wash away stress and enhance our well-being

· How to plan safe swims, finesse your kit bag and take the perfect underwater photo

· A collection of colour photographs of spectacular swim spots for your dip list

The great outdoors is waiting for you, so get out into the fresh air, find your way back to nature and set yourself free.
The Little Book of One-Pot Meals

The Little Book of One-Pot Meals


Rufus Cavendish

Price and format

This collection of simple, budget-friendly recipes is the ultimate pocket guide to one-pot, fuss-free cooking

To enjoy flavourful, satisfying meals every night, embrace the joys of one-pot cooking!

Whether you need a quick weeknight meal, a menu plan that won’t break the bank or you want to cook to impress, this little book has you covered. All made in one vessel – whether it’s a pot, pan or tin – these recipes allow you to cook delicious, fuss-free food with maximum taste and minimal hassle.

Within these pages you will find:
– Recipes for air-fryers, slow cookers, hobs and ovens
– Meals for every occasion – from quick weeknight favourites to delicious date-night treats
– Budget-friendly recipes to help keep costs down
– A variety of vegetarian and vegan-friendly options

There’s nothing that hits the spot quite like a home-cooked meal, so whether you’re a pro in the kitchen or just starting out, dive into this book to take the stress out of dinnertime.
My Sleep Tracker

My Sleep Tracker


Anna Barnes, Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

Keep track of your sleep

This tracker is a handy tool to help you record your sleep over time. Whether you want to understand the patterns and quality of your sleep, or identify what’s keeping you up at night, this book is the ideal place to start.

Including a monthly sleep tracker, daily logs, calming activities and more, this journal not only helps you to understand your sleeping habits, but also guides you to improve them.
I Love You Mum

I Love You Mum


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

Show your amazing mum just how much she means to you with this beautiful keepsake

Brimming with heartfelt affirmations, as well as delightful quotes from great thinkers and modern superstars alike, this little book will make the perfect gift to remind your mum that there is no one quite like her.

These pages offer a curated collection of wise words that will brighten her day and let her know just how much you care, including:

– Your hug feels like home, so home is wherever you are
– I can share anything with you and you always have the answer
– You were my first friend, you’re my best friend and you’re my forever friend
– Every day you inspire me to be the best version of myself
– Mum, you’re the best because you’re mine

Whether it’s for Mother’s Day, Christmas, her birthday or just because, there is no better way to tell her, “I love you, Mum”.
Welsh and Proud of It

Welsh and Proud of It


Cerys Jones

Price and format

Digital (deliver electronic)

Wales is loved for its idyllic countryside and beaches, an accent more sonorous than the song of a bird and for being the birthplace of legendary cultural figures such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton. Yes, without further ado, it’s time to fly The Red Dragon high and show the world that you are proud to be Welsh!

Celebrate your roots and explore some of Wales’ most fascinating facts and charming quotes in this miscellany fit for anyone who loves the land of song.
The Little Book of Dreams

The Little Book of Dreams


Lizzie Cornwall

Price and format

‘Dreams are the royal road to the subconscious.’
Sigmund Freud
What did you last dream of?
Were you soaring above city skyscrapers?
Or perhaps you were dancing with hippopotamuses wearing hula skirts?
This handy guide, which contains an A-Z of dream descriptions and their meanings, as well as fascinating facts about the brain and sleep, will help you to pinpoint what your unconscious mind is trying to tell you.
Scottish and Proud of It

Scottish and Proud of It


Greig Findlay

Price and format

‘We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation.’

Scotland is loved for its sublime mountain ranges, its breathtaking castles and for being the birthplace of legendary cultural figures such as Sir Walter Scott and Sean Connery. Yes, without further ado, it’s time to fly St Andrew’s Cross high and show the world that you are proud to be Scottish! 

Celebrate your roots and explore some of Scotland’s most fascinating facts and charming quotes in this miscellany fit for any bonnie lad or lass.
The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness


Debbi Marco

Price and format

Kindness matters

When times are hard, we pull together. Despite the difficulties of life during the coronavirus pandemic, love and kindness prevail.

Dive into this heart-warming book and discover the many uplifting and inspiring acts of kindness that have come from the crisis. Read about the postman who donned fancy dress while doing his rounds to bring a smile to his community, the mum who set up a virtual story time for young children, or the schools that worked together to manufacture face masks for local care homes and hospitals.

The coronavirus crisis may be a challenging time for the world, but the amazing stories in this book show that nobody is too small to make a difference – and that, no matter what, we can always find light in the darkness.
You're Never Too Old to...

You're Never Too Old to...


Lizzie Cornwall

Price and format

People often say that you should “act your age”, but what do they know?

This sourcebook of delightful ideas and uplifting quotes will tempt you to try something new every day, whether it’s dancing all night, laughing till dawn or watching the sunrise. Go on, go wild – you might like it!
Spain to Norway on a Bike Called Reggie

Spain to Norway on a Bike Called Reggie


Andrew P. Sykes

Price and format

Meet Andrew: French teacher, writer and long-distance cyclist.
Now, meet Reggie, his bike.

With two European cycling adventures already under his belt, Andrew was ready for a new challenge. Exchanging his job as a teacher in Oxfordshire for an expedition on Reggie the bike, he set off on his most daring trip yet: a journey from Tarifa in Spain to Nordkapp in Norway – from Europe’s geographical south to its northernmost point.

Join the duo as they take on an epic journey across nearly 8000 km of Europe, through mountains, valleys, forests and the open road, proving that no matter where you’re headed, life on two wheels is full of surprises.
I Love You to the Moon and Back

I Love You to the Moon and Back


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

‘Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.’
Gilbert Parker
Love can truly make you feel out of this world. This delightful book, packed with swoony statements and heartfelt quotations from romantics old and new, is the perfect way to say, ‘I love you to the moon and back.’
The Baby Shower Planning Guide

The Baby Shower Planning Guide


Verity Davidson

Price and format

Digital (deliver electronic)
Amazing news! Your friend has announced she’s going to have a baby – and you’re in charge of the baby shower preparations. This is a time to celebrate, not to panic, so take a deep breath and dive into this treasure trove of baby shower themes, activities, gifts, games and treats to make for the big day, as well as practical party-planning tips and advice. Everything you could possibly need to throw your friend the shower she deserves is within the pages of this indispensable little book.
Inspiration and Motivation for Musicians

Inspiration and Motivation for Musicians


Tamsin King

Price and format

‘Music is your own experience… If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of your horn.’
Charlie Parker
This colourful little book of uplifting quotes and tailored tips delivers motivational sparks and creative signposts for musicians. Read it, play to it, use it as a makeshift percussion instrument – whatever you do it, the aim is simple: to get you making music!
Brit Wit

Brit Wit


Susie Jones

Price and format

‘In politics, if you want something said, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.’
Margaret Thatcher
‘Instead of getting married again, I’m going to find a woman I don’t like and just give her a house.’
Rod Stewart
Ever been at a loss for words? Ever wished that the perfect wry remark or putdown would spring to mind?
The great, the good, the intellectual and the downright insulting can all be found in Brit Wit. With wonderful one-liners from such formidable figures as Churchill and Shakespeare to more recent luminaries of British stage, screen and society including Michael Caine, Victoria Wood and Eddie Izzard, Brit Wit celebrates all that makes Britain brilliant.
Very British Wit

Very British Wit


Richard Benson

Price and format

With quips, quotes and insults from classic favourites William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to modern humorists Stephen Fry and Billy Connolly, this delightful book will ensure you’re never at a loss for the perfect witticism.
Serial Killers

Serial Killers


Jamie King

Price and format

A gripping compendium of some of the world’s most infamous and shocking mass murderers, such as John Wayne Gacy, the Boston Strangler, the Moors murderers and Harold Shipman, as well as some lesser-known figures

Who was the Zodiac Killer?
What drove Jeffrey Dahmer to dismember his 17 victims?
How many women really fell prey to Ted Bundy?

Maybe it’s because our animal instincts draw us to dangerous situations; maybe it’s because reading about predators allows us to learn about their behaviours in a safe setting. Whatever the reason, serial killers and their crimes have fascinated us for centuries.

This true crime compendium not only relates the disturbing events that transpired but also delves into the psychology of the perpetrators. The stories within are shocking and often difficult to comprehend, but with this deep dive into the world of the macabre, readers may gain a greater understanding of the motivations and thought processes of these murderers. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the psychology of crime and the human mind.
Cults: Coercion and Control

Cults: Coercion and Control


Jamie King

Price and format

Belief system or brainwashing? Captivated or captive? Community or cult? Uncover stories of the world’s most infamous cults in this true crime compendium…

Building spacecrafts to transport humans to a new plane of existence, kidnapping children to create a master race that would survive the apocalypse, murdering innocent people to secure a place in the afterlife… these only scratch the surface of the strange, sinister and shocking world of cults.

Throughout history, cult groups have formed across the globe, promising followers freedom, family and fortune. In reality, religious, destructive and doomsday cults capture, coerce and control people. From mass murders to child marriages, polygamy to life insurance policies, blackmail to sex bait, discover the cruelty and curiosities of cults in this illuminating anthology.

Filled with stories of the world’s most notorious cults, this book details their origins, beliefs, leaders, followers and victims, and uncovers the unthinkable horrors hidden by these “utopian” societies.

Whether you’re new to the subject or looking to expand on your knowledge, discover the truth behind the world’s killer and criminal cults in this gripping compendium.
The Happiness Journal

The Happiness Journal


Anna Barnes

Price and format

Happiness is a journey, and even the best explorers sometimes need a guide along the way

Filled with uplifting quotes, positive statements and helpful tips and exercises, this journal encourages you to record and reflect upon your most joyful moments and experiences. Guiding you through all aspects of your life, this book will help you to discover true happiness every day.
In Praise of Scotland

In Praise of Scotland


Paul Harper

Price and format

Scotland’s beautiful landscapes and rich histories have long moved great writers and poets to capture their glory.

Ranging from timeless prose to lyrical poetry, from incisive wit to thoughtful social commentary, these stirring volumes collect the most inspiring praise for our beloved countries.
In Praise of England

In Praise of England


Paul Harper

Price and format

England’s beautiful landscapes and rich histories have long moved great writers and poets to capture their glory.

Ranging from timeless prose to lyrical poetry, from incisive wit to thoughtful social commentary, these stirring volumes collect the most

Inspiring praise for our beloved countries.
English and Proud of It

English and Proud of It


William Moore

Price and format

‘This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.’
William Shakespeare, Richard II

England is loved for its beautiful landscapes, its great sporting history and for being the birthplace of celebrated figures such as William Shakespeare and Florence Nightingale. Yes, without further ado, it’s time to show the world you’re proud to be English!

Celebrate your roots and explore some of England’s most fascinating facts and charming quotes in this miscellany fit for any lover of this green and pleasant land.
The Baby Witch's Journal

The Baby Witch's Journal


Astrid Carvel

Price and format

Delve into the magickal world of spells and white witchcraft with this informative and friendly guide for baby witches

Calling all baby witches! Have you ever wanted to develop your intuitive powers to look into the future and manifest your dreams? Are you interested in learning how to harness the moon’s power to cast the most potent spells for love and happiness? Or maybe you’re just curious about all this witchy stuff and want to know more? If so, this journal is for you!

Find out what kind of witch you could be! Are you a celestial witch, who looks to the moon and stars for guidance? Are you a weather witch, who uses the power of the elements for the most potent spell-casting? Maybe you’re a divination witch, who can see the future in a black mirror? Or perhaps an earth witch, who enjoys a bubbling cauldron of herbal delights?

With easy-to-follow spells and rituals for every occasion, and grimoire pages to record the spells you have cast and any that you’ve devised yourself, this beautifully designed journal will set you on the path to discovering your true witchy self.
The Magick Colouring Book

The Magick Colouring Book


Summersdale Publishers

Price and format

Step into the fascinating world of magick with this collection of supernatural symbols and beautiful images, ready for you to bring to life with colour

Embark on a bewitching journey into the world of magick with this collection of intricate and striking images, ready for you to colour and complete as you wish. Featuring enchanted creatures, mystical objects and a host of other esoteric miscellanea, this colouring book offers an array of beautiful designs to celebrate the beliefs and practices associated with the supernatural world.

Take a moment of peace and clarity as you journey through the mesmerising icons and patterns within these pages. Each illustration is accompanied by an inspiring quote, or insight into the history and meaning behind the symbol featured. Packed full of beautiful and captivating designs, this colouring book will help you connect with your natural energies and you unleash your inner power.

So relax, unwind, and explore the mystery and magnetism of the magickal world.
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